firozzer / DarknetDiariesJokes

All Darknet Diaries jokes Jack Rhysider cracks at end of each ep.
MIT License
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Video no longer working :( #1

Open maitto opened 2 months ago

maitto commented 2 months ago

Darknet Diaries jokes are always so great. And the podcast itself is awesome. Can the video be fixed please? :)

firozzer commented 2 months ago

You see, when I wrote the spaghetti, it was only God & I who knew how it worked. Needless to say only God knows now & he ain't answering the telly. I'll get back to fixing it once his support line opens :P

Edit - Checked my code & everything's working perfectly. Meaning I must've purposely stopped cronjob as iirc Google's STT API free usage is no more. So for now manually ran the script & updated the YouTube video till ep 42, then suddenly remembered even YouTube API had some limit of uploading only x number of vids within x timeframe lol so got scared of that & stopped. I remember getting this YouTube API permission to upload via code was a big headache so don't want to lose that precious API privilege. Will run the script to do the remaining videos after a couple of weeks I suppose. Also need to fix github automated committing as Github has changed auth method now, will do that later.