first19326 / APlayer

Vue 3.x for APlayer.
MIT License
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Using Vue-APlayer on your project ? Let me know ! #1

Open first19326 opened 8 months ago

first19326 commented 8 months ago

Feel free to talk about your project and give me some feedback ! 恕我直言,我不是针对某一个人,我是说在座的各位都是有品位的人。

Thank you like it ! 感谢您喜欢它! Welcome to share your project and share your thoughts. Please leave your website link below. 欢迎分享您的项目并发表感想。请在下方留下您的网站链接。

P.S. This issue is not meant to raise questions, please open a new Issue for support. P.S. 这个 Issue 不是为了提出问题,请 打开一个新的 Issue 以获得支持。

jiaoxiaoyuan commented 2 months ago
image image
