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Adding basic definitions and meanings #61919

Open Uma-95 opened 1 year ago

Uma-95 commented 1 year ago

The README file has information about how to get started and make initial contributions for beginners.

🐞 Problem Someone who is an absolute beginner, he/she might wonder what exactly is Fork, Clone, etc., and ends up searching for these words on the internet.

🎯 Goal Instead of searching and moving to some other webpage, what if the meanings of these words are mentioned in the README itself, it would be beneficial for the contributor.

πŸ’‘ Possible solutions The meanings of words like Fork, Clone, Pull request, Branch, and commit can be added to the README file.

Uma-95 commented 1 year ago

@Roshanjossey could you please review this issue and assign it to me so that I can contribute to the same.

asissharma commented 1 year ago

Should I contribute to this....

munnokd commented 1 year ago

@Uma-95 I had make pull request of this issue.

DevRishiJain commented 1 year ago

I can make changes. If you guys like

theranamuskan commented 1 year ago

Please assign it to me so that I can add to it.

Kandi-Venkatesh99 commented 1 year ago

@Uma-95 Could you please assign it to me so that I can contribute from my side.

CBID2 commented 1 year ago

@Uma-95, I'll gladly work this

Esh07 commented 1 year ago

Hey @Uma-95, thank you for opening this issue and starting a discussion.

There is a reason why not everything is included in the file. Please refer to the 3rd bullet point in for more information.

Cheers, Esh

sidharth-23 commented 7 months ago

Can someone tell me how to work on this issue, I'll be glad to contribute.

AnushkaSharma04 commented 7 months ago

I want to contribute to this . Can you guide since its my first contribution.

DevRishiJain commented 7 months ago

@AnushkaSharma04 Happy to help. So, do you want exact one to one steps or just an overview

AnushkaSharma04 commented 7 months ago

@DevRishiJain It would be really helpful if y provide one to one steps ..since I haven’t contributed to open source yet

DevRishiJain commented 7 months ago

@AnushkaSharma04 Since you asked for a step by step process, Here it is

  1. Fork the First Contributions repository ( by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right. This will create a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine using git. You can do this by copying the link of your forked repository in the "Code" button and using the command "git clone ".
  3. Add the main repository as a remote called upstream by using the command "git remote add upstream"
  4. Set your main branch as master by using "git checkout master"
  5. Pull from the upstream repository to sync your fork with the latest changes using "git pull upstream master"
  6. Create a new branch with a name like "feature/" using "git checkout -b feature/"
  7. Make your contributions by editing some file or adding a new file. Save your work. 8.Stage all your changes with "git add ." and then commit with "git commit -m ""
  8. Push your changes to your forked repository using "git push origin feature/"
  9. Go to your forked GitHub repository and make a pull request by clicking on "Compare & pull request"
  10. Add some comments explaining your work if needed and create the pull request.

That's it! Your pull request will now be reviewed and hopefully merged. Let me know if you need any clarification on any of the steps. I think it is enough but if you still need any further assistance you can drop off your @socials will contact you.

Akash05-kr commented 6 months ago

Can I contribute to this as my first pull request...

aaronted009 commented 3 months ago

Hello, is this open for contribution..? I'm asking because #64454 addressed this but was closed by a maintainer. @Roshanjossey , please can you help understand why? I'm trying to contribute as well