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Remove Outdated Projects from Project Suggestions #362

Open vinugawade opened 1 year ago

vinugawade commented 1 year ago

🐞 Problem Currently, there are outdated projects listed in the project suggestions, which may confuse contributors who are looking for active projects to contribute to. This issue aims to remove the outdated projects to ensure the list remains accurate and up-to-date.

🎯 Goal The goal of this change is to improve the quality and relevancy of the project suggestions list by removing projects that are no longer actively maintained or haven't received significant updates. This will help contributors find projects that they can actively contribute to and avoid wasting time on outdated projects.

💡 Possible solutions To address this issue, we need to establish criteria for determining the status of a project. Consider the following factors to identify outdated projects:

  1. Check if the project repo has been archived or deprecated by the maintainer/owner.
  2. Identify projects with no recent updates (e.g., no issues, pull requests, or commits) within the past 6 months.
  3. Look for unresolved critical issues or bugs that have been left unattended for a long time.
  4. Examine if the project's documentation has been updated recently. Outdated documentation might indicate an inactive project.
  5. Assess if the project is still compatible with the latest versions of its dependencies or the platform it's built for.
  6. Review if the maintainer or owner has publicly announced that they are no longer maintaining the project.
  7. Evaluate if there are active discussions in the issues, pull requests, or project forums, indicating community engagement.

📋 Steps to solve the problem

  1. Comment below to indicate that you are working on this issue.
  2. Review the listOfProjects.js file that contains the project suggestions.
  3. Apply the established criteria to identify outdated projects.
  4. Remove the outdated projects from the project suggestions list in the listOfProjects.js file.
  5. Make sure to update the file with the changes accordingly.
  6. Commit your changes with an appropriate commit message, clearly stating the purpose of your modifications.
  7. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  8. Submit a pull request to the original repository and include the following comment in the pull request description: Addresses #<put issue number here>.
  9. Request a review in the comments section of the pull request to ensure the modifications are accurate and appropriate.
  10. Celebrate your contribution to this project once the changes are successfully merged!

Let's work together to ensure that the project suggestions list remains relevant and helpful to all contributors! 🎉

ArbabBhutta commented 1 year ago

Arbab Ahmad

want to do this task

i want to make these changes but i need list of outdated projects so i can remove them @vinugawade

vinugawade commented 1 year ago

Hi @ArbabBhutta,

Thank you for expressing your interest in working on this task. To get the list of outdated projects, you can review the current listOfProjects.js file in the repository. Look for projects that haven't received significant updates or are no longer actively maintained. These projects can be considered outdated and should be removed from the list.

Once you have identified the outdated projects, you can proceed with the steps mentioned in the initial issue description to make the necessary changes to the file.

ArbabBhutta commented 1 year ago

On it @vinugawade

ArbabBhutta commented 1 year ago

@vinugawade its done check the push request

vinugawade commented 1 year ago

@ArbabBhutta, Thank you for your comment. If you have submitted a pull request, someone with write access to the repository will review it and merge it accordingly. Please make sure to mention your pull request here so it can be easily tracked and reviewed.

ArbabBhutta commented 1 year ago

365 Removed Projects

Esh07 commented 11 months ago

Hey @vinugawade, thank you for opening the issue.

It’s a great idea to remove inactive projects. This would help reduce the length of the project list and prevent unnecessary scrolling. It would also provide a curated list for open-source enthusiasts.

However, we can’t simply flag a repo as inactive or no longer active by only looking at significant updates such as commits or PR merges. There may be cases where some repos do not often update because the maintainer and reviewers are occupied.

I noticed that some of the projects that have been removed are actually active and constantly updated. My point is, before removing any project, we should discuss or come to a conclusion about which projects are considered outdated.

For example, we could consider criteria like:

Again, this list may not cover all aspects, but the point is that it would be great to have criteria to determine which projects are considered inactive

vinugawade commented 11 months ago

Hi @Esh07,

Thank you for your valuable input regarding the issue of removing inactive projects. I appreciate your points about the importance of discussing and establishing criteria for considering a project outdated before removing it.

Your suggested criteria are indeed helpful in determining whether a project should be considered inactive. Factors such as archiving the repository, lack of recent updates (within the past 6 months), unresolved critical issues or bugs, outdated documentation, compatibility with dependencies or platforms, public announcements of project discontinuation, and signs of community engagement are all crucial.

By considering and applying these criteria, we can ensure that only genuinely inactive projects are removed, while maintaining an accurate and curated list for open-source enthusiasts.

Thank you for initiating this discussion and bringing attention to this matter.