firstlookmedia / gpgsync

:lock: GPG Sync is designed to let users always have up-to-date public keys for other members of their organization
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New wiki page: generating the Authority Key #135

Open tilsammans opened 6 years ago

tilsammans commented 6 years ago

Hey gang

I tried setting up GPG Sync but noticed I needed a little more hand-holding with the Authority Key generation. I decided to add a page to the Wiki but I cannot add id. I will post the entire Markdown text in the next comment. I have cloned your Wiki as well.

I hope you'll be able to use my contribution. If something needs changed, I'm your man.

tilsammans commented 6 years ago

GPG Sync encrypts the information that it communicates between computers. To configure the app for the first time, generate what we call an Authority Key. You can go naieve but simple, or do it properly, which is more work.

Option 1: naieve but simple

Generate a new keypair:

$ gpg2 --full-generate-key

The result:

pub   rsa4096 2018-08-25 [SC]
uid                      GPG Sync Example Authority <>
sub   rsa4096 2018-08-25 [E]

Option 2: One Key that binds them

Generating a totally new keypair for each purpose is fine, but they have no strong relation to each other, where in fact they were all generated by a single person; you. And since each keypair has full capabilities, you need to use the nuclear option when you lose any single one.

It would be better to have one key—let's call it Master—that we'll use to generate many subkeys, which are our worker keys that can be used for a single thing, and when they get lost you don't have to press the panic button right away.

The ultimate end game here is moving your Master Key to a secure hardware device like a yubikey, which means it will be gone from the relative hostile environment that bred it. This will not be discussed here, as there are plenty of good documents online that describe exactly how that works.

$ Generate Master Key

$ gpg2 --full-generate-key

Make a note of the fingerprint and the key ID.

Generate a single-purpose subkey

Follow this procedure to generate as many keys as you need. One key typically has a single use: being an Authority Key, one for GitHub, one for BitBucket, and you can even use one to open SSH connections.

$ gpg2 --edit-key KEYID
gpg> addkey
gpg> save

Make a note of the fingerprint and the key ID.

Add your other identities

You should add all other identities (email most importantly) directly under your control to your Master Key. Use adduid to make it happen. Also, consider setting your profile photo using addphoto. It will get distributed along with the public key details, making your key easier to spot.

Create a revoking certificate

This will become your nuclear option in case Master Key is compromised.

$ gpg2 --gen-revoke NAME

You don't use this when one of your subkeys needs to be decommissioned. Edit your key instead and use revkey.

Create a backup for safe keeping

Time to copy everything we created so far and move it to a secure location. Don't keep these backups on your computer and don't upload them to S3 either! Make sure access to it is as restricted as possible.

Using --armor is optional; it creates rugged ASCII output that handles transmission throughh various mediums better than the default, binary, output.

$ gpg2 --armor --export --export-options backup
$ gpg2 --armor --export-secret-keys --export-options backup
tilsammans commented 6 years ago

My clone of your Wiki is here:

micahflee commented 5 years ago

Thanks for working on this. I'm hesitant to include such specific instructions though without thinking them through thoroughly first. There are so many different permutations for managing a PGP key, and like threat modeling, I think the right choice really depends on the organization.

Some might choose to include the authority key on a Yubikey, and even only ever using it on an airgapped computer. But for other organizations, it might be fine (and definitely more usable) to store it in the techie's GPG keyring with a passphrase. All of these choices have security and usability trade-offs.

I think a more useful document would list what the options are for generating the authority key and what the trade-offs are, so people can make an educated choice on how they want to protect their authority key. One way of doing this, maybe, would be to offer 3 different options, each with a list of pros and cons, and step-by-step instructions for generating key in those ways.

I think things to consider would include: