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:tv: plays various stream sites on kodi using youtube-dl
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Adding You Tube Channels to Pseudo TV Live in Kodi #95

Open OzDrDj opened 11 months ago

OzDrDj commented 11 months ago

Hi There, Installed your addon today. Can't seem to make it work. What I am trying to do is add a RANDOMIZED you tube channel to the PseudoTVLive addon in Kodi. I can add a normal youtube channel through PTVL and Kodi, but the channels just load in from start to finish, which is no good, as everytime i start Kodi again the PTVL plugin rebuilds the channels, adding the same channels in the same order everyday. So, can your YouTube to Kodi addon create a Playlist, If so, does it save it to the playlists directory and If so, how?, is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to add channels through your addon. I have tried talking to the Kodi YouTube addon creator, but he is nowhere to be found, and the creator of PTVL tells me that I would have to create a stream and add it to Kodi to randomize it. If I could understand this I would be a champion. Even if I could create a stream I can't see anywhere in Kodi to add it. If you can create a simple system for adding a Playlist from YouTube to a Playlist file that can be randomized and added into kodi, you would be the absolute champion of the world. Hope to hear a positive response from you soon. PS Tell tristan i looked for his reddit page again but can;t find it anymore?

nullket commented 11 months ago


I think what you are trying to reach is not scope of this plugin. The idea is to have an url with media and play that mediafile on kodi.

With sendtokodi nothing is added to kodi. Instead you simply have a link with media (e.g. a single youtube video, a vimeo video, a youtube playlist, a soundcloud song) on another device (e.g. on your smartphone while browsing youtube with their app). You can then use sendtokodi to send this url to kodi and start playback of the media. It is not added nor saved within kodi, it simply starts playing the linked media.

If you externally create a randomized youtube playlist (with your own script, by hand, etc.) you should be able to send that youtube playlist (not kodi playlist) url to the sendtokodi addon which would create a temporary kodi playlist and start the playback (the playlist will be lost once you stop playback).