firtoz / react-three-renderer

Render into a three.js canvas using React.
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MeshStandardMaterial not showing alphaMap #225

Open MaartenBreeedveld opened 6 years ago

MaartenBreeedveld commented 6 years ago

In my project I noticed that the alphaMap is not working correctly.

though this only occurs on 3d models (I've currently only tried OBJ models) with nested materials (i.e. model.children.material(this is sometimes an array).{someMaterial})

The alphaMap slot is correctly updated, the needUpdate flag is set to true and the transparant flag is also set to true. but the material is not updated in the view. I use the following function for updating the material:


materials.forEach( ( mtl ) => {
  if ( === ) {
    if(type === 'opacity' ) { color === 1 ? mtl.transparent = false :  mtl.transparent = true }
    console.log('type: ' + type + ' clr: ' + color + ' transp = ' + mtl.transparent)
    mtl[type] = color;

const object = Object.assign(this.state.object)

object.traverse( ( child ) => {
  if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) {
    if( ==={
      child.material[type] = material[type];
      child.material.needsUpdate = true;
    if ( child.material.length > 0 ) {
      child.material.forEach( mat => {
        if( === {
          mat[type] = material[type];
          mat.needsUpdate = true;

Would I need to update all the materials recursively? I'd rather don't, because of the performance impact...

I posted a copy of the console.log of the material.

{…} ​ alphaMap: Object { uuid: "5360E61B-F16E-4951-9412-917382AF339C", mapping: 300, wrapS: 1001, … } ​ alphaTest: 0 ​ aoMap: null ​ aoMapIntensity: 1 ​ blendDst: 205 ​ blendDstAlpha: null ​ blendEquation: 100 ​ blendEquationAlpha: null ​ blendSrc: 204 ​ blendSrcAlpha: null ​ blending: 1 ​ bumpMap: null ​ bumpScale: 1 ​ clipIntersection: false ​ clipShadows: false ​ clippingPlanes: null ​ color: Object { r: 1, g: 1, b: 1 } ​ colorWrite: true ​ defines: Object { STANDARD: "" } ​ depthFunc: 3 ​ depthTest: true ​ depthWrite: true ​ displacementBias: 0 ​ displacementMap: null ​ displacementScale: 1 ​ dithering: false ​ emissive: Object { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } ​ emissiveIntensity: 1 ​ emissiveMap: null ​ envMap: null ​ envMapIntensity: 1 ​ fog: true ​ id: 1283 ​ lightMap: null ​ lightMapIntensity: 1 ​ lights: true ​ map: Object { uuid: "AF21EB78-2C8F-4B72-8ADE-2F406FA57275", mapping: 300, wrapS: 1001, … } ​ metalness: 0 ​ metalnessMap: null ​ morphNormals: false ​ morphTargets: false ​ name: "Material__943" ​ needsUpdate: true ​ normalMap: null ​ normalScale: Object { x: 1, y: 1 } ​ opacity: 1 ​ overdraw: 0 ​ polygonOffset: false ​ polygonOffsetFactor: 0 ​ polygonOffsetUnits: 0 ​ precision: null ​ premultipliedAlpha: false ​ refractionRatio: 0.98 ​ roughness: 0 ​ roughnessMap: null ​ shading: 2 ​ side: 0 ​ skinning: false ​ transparent: true ​ type: "MeshStandardMaterial" ​ uuid: "5C182132-7CC2-4BF2-9287-F3B4C9B5340E" ​ vertexColors: 0 ​ visible: true ​ wireframe: false ​ wireframeLinecap: "round" ​ wireframeLinejoin: "round" ​ wireframeLinewidth: 1 ​ __proto__: Object { constructor: MeshStandardMaterial(), isMeshStandardMaterial: true, copy: copy() }

Your help is much appreciated! Thanks!

MaartenBreeedveld commented 6 years ago

Figured it out: The problem is solved. Only the green channel of images is taken into account as an alphaMap.

the above code should be improved by actually adding a texture through a new THREE.TextureLoader() instance. Beats me why, but that worked.

This issue can be closed