fischertechnik / txt_training_factory

Training Factory Industry 4.0 (9V)
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Own local MQTT broker #13

Open CandymanCZ opened 2 years ago

CandymanCZ commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have the Factory Simulation 9V and wanted to connect it to the cloud. As I read into the matter a little bit, I discovered that I need the Factory Industry 4.0 to have the cloud functionality. As I analyzed all the programs and how interconnected they are, I discovered that the only thing keeping me from connecting the model to the cloud is the missing camera module, which all the sensor data is sent to through a local MQTT connection, which is then sent to the cloud. My question is: Is there a way I could substitute the local MQTT server with my own? Maybe to trick all the TXT controllers into sending all their data to a different broker adress?

CvanLeeuwenFt commented 2 years ago

Yes it possible to run this factory in a local network with the NodeRed dasboard also running on a laptop in this local network. But you need to make some small changes in the settings. This is out of the scope of this github entry. See also the ft-forum and/or contact me by PM.

CandymanCZ commented 2 years ago

Yes it possible to run this factory in a local network with the NodeRed dasboard also running on a laptop in this local network. But you need to make some small changes in the settings. This is out of the scope of this github entry. See also the ft-forum and/or contact me by PM.

Thank you, now there is a glimmer of home for me. I have looked through the NodeRed documentation for this before but I still was not able to determine if the TXT with the camera (which is normally the centerpoint of MQTT connection for the whole factory) could be completely omitted with NodeRed.