fisharebest / webtrees

Online genealogy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DejuVu font does not contain Chinese or Thai characters - affects Fan Chart and PDF reports #1479

Open melizaa opened 6 years ago

melizaa commented 6 years ago

I see Thai name for instance in Wife Duangruthai Janmo ‘Jo’ ดวงฤทย จนทรโม ‘โจ’ in pdf reports as boxes in pdf reports. 2017-11-16_13-29-46

fisharebest commented 6 years ago

PDF reports use the DejaVu sans font, which does not currently contain Thai letters.

See the section on coverage in

fisharebest commented 6 years ago

Noto sans offers wider coverage - but not in a single .ttf file.

We could attempt to merge various noto files, but there are limits such as the maximum number of glyphs in a file, and different line-heights, etc. for different scripts. More info at

fisharebest commented 6 years ago

Also, noto was designed for screen use (i.e. android phones), rather than print and PDF is aimed at print media.

vytux-com commented 6 years ago

In the above linked issue they mention that Ariel unicode MS has all charts in 1 font file. Why not use that?

fisharebest commented 6 years ago

Arial is a proprietory font, owned by Microsoft.

We are not allowed to include it in an open-source project. See

ghost commented 3 years ago

You might try this one:

You might also read this:

ghost commented 3 years ago

@fisharebest How are the pdf's created? Can this be changed to use multiple fonts with e.g. fontconfig? Especially as the dejavu-project seems to be not taken care of anymore.

melizaa commented 2 years ago

Not only Chinese and Thai languages print undefined characters or undefined offsets in PDF and HTML reports. I look now at a Family report in different webtrees languages.

iyoua commented 2 years ago

@melizaa The Chinese characters in the PDF report are not displayed. Have you solved this problem? I uploaded several font files and modified the file name, but still failed.

iyoua commented 2 years ago

I downloaded a font and copied it to tcpdf\fonts folder. After modifying the report code, the body of the report is displayed in Chinese, but the report header is always not displayed. I can't find the reason. Even if I change the style to the style of the body, it won't work. Why? `

<!-- Header -->
<Style name="header" font="$fonts" size="16" style="b" />
<!-- Page numbers text -->
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<!-- Standard text -->
<Style name="text" font="$fonts" size="9"/>
<!-- Column labels -->
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<!-- Generated by style - required style name by the generator -->
<Style name="genby" font="$fonts" size="8" />
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<Doc pageSize="$pageSize" orientation="$pageorient" >
        <Cell align="center" height="20" newline="1" style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Changes')" /></Cell>
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        <!-- Pending changes section Header -->
        <if condition="$pending=='yes'">
            <Cell align="center" height="20" newline="1" style="header2"><var var="I18N::translate('Pending changes')" /></Cell>
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                <Text style="label"><var var="I18N::translate('Name')" /></Text>

            <TextBox border="1" height="12" width="$datewidth">
                <Text style="label"><var var="I18N::translate('Differences')" /></Text>

            <SetVar name="fill" value="" />
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            <!-- Pending Changes Section Data -->
            <List list="pending" sortby="$sortby">
                <TextBox height="12" width="$namewidth">
                    <Text style="text"><GetPersonName id="" /></Text>
                <TextBox height="12" width="$datewidth">
                    <Facts ignore="CHAN" families="0" diff="true">
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                            <var var="@fact" /> <GedcomValue tag="@fact:DATE" /><br />
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                    <Text style="text"><GedcomValue tag="CHAN:DATE" /> <GedcomValue tag="CHAN:DATE:TIME" /> - <GedcomValue tag="CHAN:_WT_USER" /></Text>

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                <var var="I18N::translate('Total pending changes: ')" /><ListTotal /><br />

        <!-- Recent Changes Section Header -->
        <Cell align="center" height="20" newline="1" style="header2"><var var="I18N::translate('Recent changes')" /> <var var="changeRangeStart" date="1" /> - <var var="changeRangeEnd" date="1" /></Cell>
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            <Text style="label"><var var="I18N::translate('Name')" /></Text>

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        <TextBox bgcolor="$fill" border="1" height="12" width="$datewidth">
            <Text style="label"><var var="I18N::translate('Birth')" /> - <var var="I18N::translate('Death')" /></Text>

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            <Text style="label"><var var="I18N::translate('Last change')" /></Text>

        <!-- Recent Changes Section Data -->
        <List list="individual" filter1="CHAN:DATE LTE $changeRangeEnd" filter2="CHAN:DATE GTE $changeRangeStart" sortby="$sortby">
            <TextBox height="12" width="$namewidth">
                <Text style="text"><GetPersonName id="" /></Text>

            <TextBox height="12" width="$datewidth">
                <Text style="text"><var var="I18N::translate('Birth')" />: <GedcomValue tag="BIRT:DATE" />---<var var="I18N::translate('Death')" />: <GedcomValue tag="DEAT:DATE" /></Text>

            <TextBox height="12" newline="1">
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