Closed ro-la closed 3 years ago
This works OK for me.
Tell me about your server. Windows/Linux/Mac? Version? Filesystem type?
It is not my server, so I cann only give informations from phpinfo:
`PHP Version 7.3.22-1+0\~20200909.67+debian9\~1.gbpdd7b72
System: Linux 3.10.0-1062.9.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 6 15:49:49 UTC 2019 x86_64`
I cannot find nothing about the Filesystem type.
Which other informations do you need?
Which other informations do you need?
I do not know why this isn't working on your server.
I was guessing that you might be using a filesystem that does not support UTF8 characters. But linux should be OK.
No it is not about general not supporting UTF8. It seems it has problems only with the very first character. There is no problem with export - I had in the URL in tree preferences an UTF8 chracter - it worked everything.
On other hand this cann be closed, as far as it seems to be a problem related only to my server environment.
On other hand this cann be closed, as far as it seems to be a problem related only to my server environment.
I am still curious to learn the cause of this issue.
I tried to upload a media file with accented first letter, even with a blank in the file name. Everything went OK.
I still cannot reproduce this. As you say, the issue could be specific to your environment.
Since there is nothing I can do, we should close this issue.
Trying to import a GEDCOM-file with name "úvod-2021-04-28.ged" brings these messages:
`File not found at path: vod-2021-04-28.ged …/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Filesystem.php:389
0 …/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Filesystem.php(194): League\Flysystem\Filesystem->assertPresent('vod-2021-04-28....')
1 …/app/Http/RequestHandlers/ImportGedcomAction.php(96): League\Flysystem\Filesystem->readStream('vod-2021-04-28....')
2 …/app/Http/Middleware/WrapHandler.php(83): Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\ImportGedcomAction->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))
3 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\Webtrees\Http\Middleware\WrapHandler->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher))
4 …/modules_v4/vesta_classic_look_and_feel/ClassicLAFModule.php(174): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))
5 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Cissee\Webtrees\Module\ClassicLAF\ClassicLAFModule->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher))
6 …/app/Module/HitCountFooterModule.php(157): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))
7 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module\HitCountFooterModule->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher))
8 …/app/Http/Middleware/AuthManager.php(57): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))
It seems the procedure is ignoring the first letter (which is accented).
A file-name "uúvod.ged" is accepted without problem. So it is only a problem with the first character.
PS. I know, it is not a good idea to have accented characters in filename.