fisharebest / webtrees

Online genealogy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing translation under "facts and events" #620

Closed mikejpr closed 9 years ago

mikejpr commented 9 years ago

The second remark what I have is that on the "fact and events"-page some word don't show I translation. I found the translation in the german or french files so that I suppose that the I18n-Key is missed in the code page. This was the case for the word "other", "godparent"

YOUR ANSWER They are translated on the demo site:

What is the GEDCOM data for this fact.

mikejpr commented 9 years ago

My GEDCOM delivery for "Godparent"

3 TYPE INDI 3 RELA Godparent 3 TITL Parrain

and for "Other"

3 TYPE INDI 3 RELA Other 3 TITL Témoin 3 NOTE frère

fisharebest commented 9 years ago

For the "RELA" data, webtrees can only translate exact text.

It has a translation for "godparent". It does not have a translation for "Godparent".

Change this to lower case.

fisharebest commented 9 years ago

3 RELA Other 3 TITL Témoin

Use 3 RELA witness.

Firstly, this will be translated into all other languages.

Secondly, these have automatic translations for male/female. For example, in French, 3 RELA friend will show as "Ami" for males and "Amie" for females.

mikejpr commented 9 years ago

It has a translation for "godparent". It does not have a translation for "Godparent".

Change this to lower case.

But if I show in the translation file I found only "Godparent" and not "godparent"

. I18N: gedcom tag _GODP

: app/Gedcom/GedcomCodeRela.php:142 app/Gedcom/GedcomTag.php:1510

msgid "Godparent" msgstr "Parrain/marraine"

Or did I misunderstood how the programm works?

fisharebest commented 9 years ago

Or did I misunderstood how the programm works?

A little.

In the GEDCOM file are "code words".

webtrees converts these "code words" to text, and translates the text.

So, it finds the "godparent". It looks for the sex of the person. It then displays a translation of either "Godfather" or "Godmother". (Or, if the sex is unknown, "Godparent").

If the codeword is not recognised, then it is displayed unchanged.

A simpler example is the record for sex. e.g. 1 SEX F. Here, webtrees finds the codeword "F", and displays the translation of "female" (not the translation of "F").

mikejpr commented 9 years ago

Thx a lot fisharebest. I modifiy my GEDCOM with "godparent" and "witness" and it works. With the relation "other" he has still his problem it doesn't translate it anyway.

For godparent the record for male/female doesn't works with my GEDCOM even though he recognized a maternal grandfather godparent