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以新数据继续训练llama #129

Closed Naozumi520 closed 2 months ago

Naozumi520 commented 3 months ago

TL;DR: 我修改了g2p和symbols以支持粤语, 用粤语数据训练后没问题,用特定角色数据精调后不能发音。

首先我用了男声来训练,效果不错。然后我以训练bert-vits2相同的方法,用喜欢的人物数据继续训练模型。我在QQ群问过stardust大佬并得到答覆这样做是没有任何问题的,效果听起来也的确可以。 按照同样的逻辑,fish-speech换数据继续训练llama之后不能发声。

这是为什么? 能请各位大佬给予思路吗?

leng-yue commented 3 months ago


Naozumi520 commented 3 months ago

粤语10小时。 可以说粤语后用30分钟角色数据进行精调

leng-yue commented 3 months ago

对 llm 来说太少了, 这个量模型直接背下来了.

Naozumi520 commented 3 months ago


leng-yue commented 3 months ago

不会特别大, 一般小数据也至少要 100 小时左右

Naozumi520 commented 3 months ago

嗯。。。这是属于灾难性遗忘吗? 因为先前精调前的效果都不错。

leng-yue commented 3 months ago

这个码本模型都没见过, 你不能指望它表现很好...

Naozumi520 commented 3 months ago

另外想问一下,可以不分说话人,混合数据训练吗? 或者说,不同说话人数据如何用作训练新语言?我一直分不清楚,如果以speaker分开训练,那不是只是分开创建一个角色?

Naozumi520 commented 3 months ago


leng-yue commented 3 months ago

可以用 svc 或者带说话人信息 finetune

Naozumi520 commented 3 months ago

So is voice cloning reference will work if I use SVC to convert my data to single character? Cause with mixed dataset voice cloning failed to work even I finetuned with a single character. Or, how do I prevent the model to learn the vocal? To make LLama to be able to speak Cantonese I have to increase the steps as the docs saying, but this also make it learn the vocal.

leng-yue commented 3 months ago

Use SVC to convert your data to single speaker may help.

MokII2 commented 1 month ago



Naozumi520 commented 1 month ago



Not very good, and newer model removed g2p support, the data required is more.