fisheva / Eva-Theme

A comfortable and semantic theme.
MIT License
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Minor adjustment #10

Closed kotakerdus closed 6 years ago

kotakerdus commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for making such a nice theme, really loves it! but it might need some minor adjustment between boolean and 'and' operator (or perhaps other operator keyword as well) especially on python language Would be great if these two are in different color so it is easy to distinguish between them


fisheva commented 6 years ago

I was designed it like that. All keywords and operators related to logic are purple. It means "This is a boolean value or it will return one".

fisheva commented 6 years ago

Control and modifier keywords are purple too. However, they and the logical symbols belong to different semantic scenarios, so there is no semantic confusion.


My dream is that each language feature has its own unique color, but not so many good-looking, high-resolution colors are available. So some language features share the same color. Here are all the colors I used in Eva Light Bold. It’s hard for me to find some new colors that are both good-looking, clearly visible in the background, and highly distinguishable from all existing colors. 5

kotakerdus commented 6 years ago

Hmm.. that make sense.. but it is always great to have the operators in different color than the rest of other code's color as the operator means to define or alter and not as value (bool, null keyword, etc) in term of color

fisheva commented 6 years ago

The operators(and || or && not !) should be light blue if they are not purple. However, the result of normal operators (+ - * / ++ -- += -= ) are numbers or strings , while the result of operators ( and || or && not ! == === != !== > <) are boolean, I think, that's their difference which should to make a distinction.

fisheva commented 6 years ago

Here is a Regexp example. When they are purple, bold like a boolean value (make the code clearer, more readable):


When they are light blue, regular like normal operators: