fisheva / Eva-Theme

A comfortable and semantic theme.
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Contrast between terminal and open file #104

Closed akanz1 closed 7 months ago

akanz1 commented 7 months ago

First of all, thank you for this amazing theme, i really enjoy using it during daytime!

Is it possible to increase the contrast or have a subtle line separating the code view from the terminal? I have my terminal open to the left and have a hard time dragging it larger as there is no clear indication where the terminal ends and where the code begins.


When hovering with the mouse the line to drag appears, but finding the correct spot is not always easy and takes a moment.


For the filetree, the debug console etc. the contrast is enough to distinguish the border


and other extensions also have a bit of a color difference and/or a light line to see where to drag:


fisheva commented 7 months ago

@akanz1 Hi, before answering your question, I have two doubts.

1, In fact, there is a thin gray separating line between code view and terminal, which is not very obvious, but there it is. 20231122102056

But in your first screenshot, I didn't see this separating line? screenshot-1

2, When hovering with the mouse the line to drag appears, the line color should be blue. 20231122102808

But in your second screenshot, the line shows as another color. screenshot-2

Here is my answer. Three terminal positions, the separating line between code view and terminal share a same API "panel.border": "#E1E4EB". If the APIs of the three locations can be distinguished, I would be happy to set the left separating line color "panel.border": "#CED1D7", which is the same color as the code indent guide line.


But it can not. Most user use terminal's default bottom location. If I set "panel.border": "#CED1D7", it appears ugly.


So I suggest you add the following text in setting.json for local customization.

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
      "[Eva Light]": {
        "panel.border": "#CED1D7"`,

@akanz1 I found you are the first and only person currently sponsoring me. Thanks so much! That's very nice of you!

akanz1 commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the detailed reply, that's a good idea to set a value in my personal settings.

I tried applying your suggestion but it only affects the border when the terminal is at the bottom


with same settings when i move the terminal to the side it doesnt work


I went through all the panel/section settings but they only work if the terminal is at the bottom.

What works is setting "sideBar.border": "#e1e4eb".


This also puts a 1 pixel witdth gap on the right side, which is a bit ugly but barely noticable


fisheva commented 7 months ago

That's really strange. 企业微信截图_20231122170931 Anyway, It's glad to hear your problem has been resolved : )