fisheva / Eva-Theme

A comfortable and semantic theme.
MIT License
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Warnings and Errors #44

Closed awgn closed 3 years ago

awgn commented 3 years ago


I really appreciate this theme.

However, the color for warnings (orange) is sometimes misleading as it is too similar to the red one of errors (especially when errors are not present).

Would it be possible to change it, for instance, to a lighter colour?

Thanks, N.

fisheva commented 3 years ago

Hello, after receiving your issue, I tried to change all warning colors in Eva Theme to bright yellow #F8F900, or to Apple system yellow #FDBC40 (the minimize button color). But I feel that neither of them is suitable. Although they can attract my attention, they didn't make me feel a little warning effect.

My personal feeling is that the closer the color is to blood red, the stronger the sense of warning. So bright red means error, orange means warning. So please forgive me, I will not modify the warning color of Eva Theme now.

But I have listed all the warning-related options for you. You can copy the following options into your VSCode Setting.json, and modify the warning color as you like. Just replace all #F5625C in the following options. Some options are #F5625C59, 59 is the transparency setting, please keep it.

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "debugConsole.warningForeground": "#F5625C",
    "editorMarkerNavigationWarning.background": "#F5625C",
    "editorOverviewRuler.warningForeground": "#F5625C",
    "editorWarning.foreground": "#F5625C",
    "inputValidation.warningBackground": "#F5625C59",
    "inputValidation.warningBorder": "#F5625C",
    "list.warningForeground": "#F5625C",
    "minimap.warningHighlight": "#F5625C59",
    "terminal.ansiBrightYellow": "#F5625C", 

If I find a lighter color and modify all the warning colors of Eva Theme in the future, I will reply to you here again.

cosmicethics commented 3 years ago

It bothers me too.
It's hard for me to distinguish between the two colors.

fisheva commented 3 years ago

Please update Eva Theme to 1.2.4. The warning color has been changed from orange to yellow, although it is a little bit out of my personal color intuition.