fisheva / Eva-Theme

A comfortable and semantic theme.
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Lighter color for editorWhitespace.foreground in light themes #65

Closed gulshan closed 2 years ago

gulshan commented 2 years ago

I am currently using the default "Show whitespaces on selection" option in vscode. I think the whitespaces are currently quite hard to distinguish on light Eva themes- image

This is what it look like with "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#DDD"- image

Please use a lighter color for editorWhitespace.foreground in light Eva themes, so that the whitespaces are easily visible in selection.

fisheva commented 2 years ago

After seeing your issues, I improved the visibility of whitespace a little in version 1.7.6.





If you still feel that it is not clear enough (sorry!), please set it by yourself in Settings.

The reason why whitespace color is not set very conspicuously is that I think whitespace should not attract the user’s attention too much. When the user selects the code, the user’s main attention should be on the selected code, instead of whitespace.

Use "#B3B3B4"(close to gray) instead of "#ddd"(close to white), is because if the user sets:

"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",

"#B3B3B4" is clearer than "#ddd" in the light background.

gulshan commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the update.