fishsciences / 2022-white_sturgeon_synthesis

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makefile stops at data_clean/alldeps.rds #11

Closed Myfanwy closed 1 year ago

Myfanwy commented 1 year ago

make all stops:

CFS-0298:2022-white_sturgeon_synthesis myfanwyjohnston$ make all
make: *** No rule to make target `/Users/myfanwyjohnston/DropboxCFS/npes/WST_Synthesis/Data/Lodi/LFWO_SJR_WST_Receiver_Deployment_separatedByVRL.xlsx,', needed by `data_clean/alldeps.rds'.  Stop.

... but there is a rule to make that target, it's in the DEPS_RAW variable. @mespe please advise

mespe commented 1 year ago

The files listed in the makefile are separated by , and should not be - they should be space-separated (see previous variable def for example).

Myfanwy commented 1 year ago

edits to makefile in 7c0c1ff69ca fix this issue