fishsciences / 2022-white_sturgeon_synthesis

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Receiver Qs #5

Closed Myfanwy closed 1 year ago

Myfanwy commented 1 year ago
  1. Rec 132451 has detections outside of its deployment record:
## checking recs one by one
> chk = orph[orph$Receiver == 132451, ]
> table(chk$TagID)

A69-9001-19540 A69-9001-19543 A69-9001-19546 
           282             62             24 
> range(chk$DateTimePST) # single deployment
[1] "2018-10-12 22:58:17 -08" "2018-12-19 11:22:51 -08"

Deployment records all indicate this rec was deployed at SJR DS SR beginning on 2018-12-20, but we have ~400 detections of three of our fish beginning in October of that year, suggesting it was out somewhere.

  1. Orphan detections on Rec 104311 comprise 19 of our fish, but they all fall outside the deployment record for this receiver:
> chk = orph[orph$Receiver == 104311, ]
> table(chk$TagID)

A69-1303-47836 A69-1303-47844 A69-1303-47855 A69-1303-47859 A69-1303-56405 A69-1303-56408 A69-1303-56424 A69-1303-56428 A69-1303-56434 
             5              4              6              1             15              3              1             17              3 
A69-1303-56443 A69-1303-56446 A69-1303-56454 A69-1303-56482 A69-1303-62784 A69-1303-62794 A69-1303-63043 A69-9001-25621 A69-9001-25628 
            16              5              2              1              1              6              1              1             12 
> range(chk$DateTimePST) # single deployment
[1] "2016-02-05 06:48:24 -08" "2016-04-03 22:21:58 -08"
> deps[deps$Receiver == 104311, ] 
      Location_name Receiver     DeploymentStart       DeploymentEnd Latitude Longitude   Origin Notes            StartUTC              EndUTC
47210       SJR PAT   104311 2017-02-08 00:00:01 2017-02-21 23:59:59   37.499  -121.083 SJR 2022  <NA> 2017-02-08 08:00:01 2017-02-22 07:59:59

This receiver was deployed at SR_KK250L from 2008-2010, and by the Army Corps at MS09Mt5 in the Sac River briefly from 2012-2013. No deployment info for the time period we're seeing the detection in (2016).

  1. Similar to previous, we have orphan dets on receiver 104310 from Feb-Mar 2016. This receiver was deployed at SR_KK345R in 2008-2010 and then by ACE at MS15mt1 in the SR in 2012-2013; no other info.

  2. Same story for 104318

Von will plot spatiotemporal history of the fish detected on these three receivers to start narrowing down locations

Myfanwy commented 1 year ago

Closed through individual resolutions in clean_deployments.R and discussion with Co-PIs