fison67 / mi_connector

Connector for Xiaomi Devices with Smartthings, Hubitat
MIT License
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migration from Smartthings to Hubitat #73

Closed ilker-aktuna closed 3 years ago

ilker-aktuna commented 3 years ago

I was using this device integration with my ST hub and I was able to control my Air Purifier.

Now I installed the hubitat version of app and air purifier device. Everything is configured same. When I run the smart app, I guess , I just have to enter the server IP with port ( then I just need to map the device, right ?

But unfortunately , the device pulldown does not show any devices.

I checked the Mi Connector server configuration and it seems the " Smartthings Settings" section is showing correct settings (IP , and other settings like access token, app id are correct)

Why can't it find my device ?

I just installed the air purifier device. Should I also install other device types from the repo ? (I guess no, because on ST I did not)

logs only say :

app:1662021-03-19 15:28:02.828 debuginitialize
app:1662021-03-19 15:28:02.827 debugUpdated with settings: [selectedLang:English,address:, externalAddress:]
ilker-aktuna commented 3 years ago

figured out that the problem was coming from a new device type "zhimi.airpurifier.mb3"

I made some changes to the driver and now it works.