fispact / actigamma

The package for producing gamma spec from nuclide activities
Apache License 2.0
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Where does the data file come from? #5

Closed WHYAOAOAO closed 2 years ago

WHYAOAOAO commented 2 years ago

Is the data file come from one of the five main evaluated database?Or who extracted the data and made it into a JSON file?

thomasms commented 2 years ago

Good question, and apologies that this is not very transparent.

This data is from the FISPACT-II decay 2012 library (see the decay_2012 here: As I recall the decay libraries are a combination of the main evaluated libraries, and some other hand picked additions. They are considered fairly static when compared to the reaction libraries. A more recent version was added, see decay_2020. There are however some notable differences to say the ENDF/B-VII libraries.

The answer to the second question is that I (Thomas Stainer) made them into the JSON file using the pypact package ( This package parses the output file produced from a FISPACT-II PRINTLIB run (