fission / fission-workflows

Workflows for Fission: Fast, reliable and lightweight function composition for serverless functions
Apache License 2.0
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fission-workflows doesn't work with fission >=1.0.0 on Minikube #250

Open freeqaz opened 5 years ago

freeqaz commented 5 years ago


From research in #249 and experimentation with the scripts, it seems that fission-workflows doesn't work with the newer fission version 1.0.0

Reproduction Steps

The following script reproduces the issue. Ensure you have the following requirements satisfied for this to work first.


Package Requirements


minikube addons configure registry-creds
minikube addons enable registry-creds

chmod +x ./fission-cli-linux

helm init

helm repo add fission-charts
helm repo update

# wait for everything to sync up... just to be safe
sleep 60

helm install --wait -n fission-all --namespace fission --set serviceType=NodePort --set analytics=false fission-charts/fission-all --version 1.0.0

# wait for everything to sync up... just to be safe
sleep 120

helm install --wait -n fission-workflows fission-charts/fission-workflows --version 0.6.0

# wait for everything to sync up... just to be safe
sleep 120

export FISSION_ROUTER=$(minikube ip):$(kubectl -n fission get svc router -o jsonpath='{...nodePort}')

# Readme instructions
./fission-cli-linux env create --name binary --image fission/binary-env
./fission-cli-linux function create --name whalesay --env binary --deploy examples/whales/
./fission-cli-linux function create --name fortune --env binary --deploy examples/whales/
./fission-cli-linux function create --name fortunewhale --env workflow --src examples/whales/
./fission-cli-linux route create --method GET --url /fortunewhale --function fortunewhale
sleep 5
curl $FISSION_ROUTER/fortunewhale


Probably just needs some debugging to understand what has changed in fission that is now breaking fission-workflows. My guess is that some of the APIs have changed what data they return (schema changes). Not really sure though.

mrkswrnr commented 5 years ago

Any news on this?

zucher commented 4 years ago

Hi should we concider fission-workflow will never more works on minikube ? In development phase such env is pretty nice !

kraney commented 4 years ago

I just faced this myself. Actually I think the only problem is in the documentation. Replace the "--deploy" flag in the instructions with "--code", and it seems to work. E.g.

fission function create --name whalesay --env binary --code examples/whales/
fission function create --name fortune --env binary --code examples/whales/

However, is this project dead? No releases for over a year.