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Mozilla Builders
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ean@home scanner #30

Open MonkeyTime opened 4 years ago

MonkeyTime commented 4 years ago

Project Name

ean@home (.com prefered to a .org but the objective is to stay free to use for customers and merchants during a crisis)

What you're looking for

Frontend developer, responsible of communication (english speaking with good French basis) (can be a developer), a js stack developer with a very good understand of manipulation images under js to enhance the ean scanner, are Welcome

Short Project Description

For the maintenance of independent merchants at work, it would suffice to generalize the ean/ean13 to all products, even those made by hand, they should be given an ean when they have the same name and to avoid covid-19 contagion, consider home delivery by merchants and/or his employees (why we don't yet have autonomous electric vehicle ...) or the withdrawal but with social distancing or withdrawal in the box This would allow smaller merchants and local shops and stores to continue their activities. Viruses "mutate", so maybe we should consider another plan ...

Team Bios

I am a Freelance web / app developer now but I works with some web technologies from a decade in some case / period of my life

Why Work With Us

For the maintenance of independent merchants at work, it would suffice to generalize the ean13 to all products, even those made by hand, they should be given an ean when they have the same name and to avoid covid-19 contagion, consider home delivery by merchants and/or his employees (why we don't yet have autonomous electric vehicle "go take my order at this merchant lol..."...) or the withdrawal but with social distancing or withdrawal in the box This would allow smaller merchants and local shops and stores to continue their activities. Viruses "mutate", so maybe we should consider another plan ...

Objective of the app

Restart as soon as possible the economy (based on small/medium merchants who business depend of ean/ean13) with social distance and the use of "without contact payment" (The merchant can invest in a device for that) or store pickup with social distance (we can send a time/schedule). We can also continue to use the app to support small/medium businesses/merchants/shops near you and without the use of amazon. In a 2nd phase after covid-19 the app can be adapted (store pickup, details products, products images, etc...). And if a 2nd crisis appears, the app is ready...

MonkeyTime commented 4 years ago

What I think of the situation ... On May 3 (for Belgium) the #coronavirus will not have disappeared by magic, the universities continue their courses online until the end of June ... For July and August, the countries will not re -open their borders overnight, and the virus appeared at the end of December 2019, that leaves us September, October, November of life maybe approximately normal for this year 2020 (probably under conditions with the rules of social distancing) ... and then again confinement since the vaccine will only be ready in 1 year and a half (this is the minimum for the creation of a vaccine). .. In addition as for the vaccine against the h1n1 flu, it will surely be necessary to administer it before the "season" of its appearance so it gives us September, October, November - 2021 to be all vaccinated at the most optimistic. Must understand that the confinement will continue and that our habits must change ... (consume differently, work differently, move differently ...) for those who can ...

maximumJS commented 4 years ago

Hi @MonkeyTime

I think you project it's great!

I'm young passionate and ambitious web developer FullStack (more front) JS from brussels I'm already working on a project to help eradicate the coronavirus to make a fundraising website top help hospital and professional oh health to find a solution about this virus.

I know a lot of peoples in Brussels who want to help with this kind of project.

You may check my Linkedin account if you want to learn more about my skills :

MonkeyTime commented 4 years ago

Hi @MaxCo41

You are welcome on the project if you don't have any other. Your profile sound good for the project. If the project is selected by mozilla and to continue your vacant research, I add you to the project at the selection by mozilla also for the first cash prize if you are always free. If you want to already be added to the project just tell me and I add you to the team directly because your profile sound good!