fix-the-internet / mozilla-builders

Mozilla Builders
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Looking for one more fullstack developer #31

Open mwt opened 4 years ago

mwt commented 4 years ago

I am putting a team together to create a service that allows restaurants to co-insure gift cards. The idea is that you can buy a gift card for restaurant A. If restaurant A goes out of business, you can use it at any restaurant in the system. The purpose of this is to increase people's willingness to buy giftcards for struggling restaurants. I think people would be more willing to help their favorite businesses if they were sure that they would be able to use the credit later.

This is basically the same as insured microfinancing for struggling restaurants.

adamash99 commented 4 years ago

This sounds really cool! I'd love to learn more. What tech stack do you plan on using / what are you looking for in your last team member?

amustaque97 commented 4 years ago

This seems to be more helpful towards restaurants who are not able to operate properly due to some reasons. I would be happy to work on this and want to hear a bit louder from your side.

mwt commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the interest!

We're looking for someone with backend experience because the team is more frontend heavy right now.

I think the ideal person would be someone who's comfortable with implementing and tweaking a basic e-commerce site in MERN or MEAN.

The idea is definitely to help struggling restaurants especially in the wake of COVID-19 restaurant shutdowns.

adisen commented 4 years ago

Hey, I am interested if you will have me... My stack is the MERN stack. Check out my LinkedIn in profile and my GitHub profile

maximumJS commented 4 years ago

Hi I find your project very awesome. I'm web developer junior fullstack JS and want to earn experience as a Junior with a lot of passions about code and ambitions. You can see my Github profile : And my Linkedin account : To learn more about my profile

amustaque97 commented 4 years ago

Hey, @MattWThomas I'm full stack developer, working on both MERN as well as MEAN. I have work experience in Django & Django rest framework. Although I'm full stack still more inclined towards the backend.

kul1010 commented 4 years ago

Namaste, I am a MERN DEVELOPER and interested to work in your team. Also having skills of PHP, MySQL. And also design DB.