fizi / BS_Gaming_01

e107 theme for Game website
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Login Button Not Working #3

Open Dxvid64 opened 2 years ago

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Login Nothing happens when clicking the Login button, (top right of the page), whilst using the BS_Gaming_01 theme. Sometimes the button works for aprox. 1/2 hr. but most of the time it doesn't work at all. I have switched to the Bootstrap 3 theme where the login button always works. (I am using e107 2.3.2).

Jimmi08 commented 2 years ago

Hi, it has nothing with the theme. If the dropdown is not working, it would be a theme issue.

Check your preferences Site Preferences Security & Protection - recommended way is session, not a cookie, I just use cookies


1/2 hr could represent session lifetime... not sure about this.

Either ask on gitter or create this issue in the core repo but with the screen of your session/cookie settings.

Bootstrap3 and this use both for this {BOOTSTRAP_USERNAV: placement=top}, the theme author can't help with this.

After the expiration of your session, you were logged out and you just don't know about this... refresh the page before clicking on button.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Jimmi08 commented 2 years ago

I was able to simulate on your site not working login dropdown


If this happens, it is always the problem with javascript - bootstrap js is not working correctly.

It works for me without any trouble, but:


Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

I have been using "Sessions". I'll try switching to cookies.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

cookies made things worse, login not working and Welcome and News not showing in Gaming theme, but are showing in Bootstrap theme. In plugins/Theme manager "site theme" giving a blank page in both themes. Swiched back to sessions, but with time set to 0 (when browser closes), but doesn't change anything, except Site Theme just a blank in Bootstrap now!? News and Welcome still not showing in BS Gaming.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

"After the expiration of your session, you were logged out and you just don't know about this... refresh the page before clicking on button." I've done that many times. Also clearing the cookies and data from Firefox in case that might help, but it didn't.

"If this happens, it is always the problem with javascript - bootstrap js is not working correctly. It works for me without any trouble, but: I don't use the cached version - (I tried it and it still worked) I don't use jquery 2 - how did you get there? I use local, not CDN bootstrap version"

Lol! I don't know what any of that means!? You will have to translate to plain English for a simpleton.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Put sessions and cache back to where they were and everything working again, except the problem buttons.

Jimmi08 commented 2 years ago

I reported the reason: You need to wait for the solution.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Thank you.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Would commenting out the duplicate lines help, or is that too simplistic?

Perhaps it is working for you because you have not been working on it long enough. I didn't notice it so much in the first few days, or rather there were much longer periods when it was working.

I started working on the site about a week ago and didn't register the button problem in the first few days because it was very infrequent and I probably was hoping it was just a temporary glitch. But the problem got gradually worse during the week so that 2 or 3 days ago it got bad enough for me to decide to switch theme. Now the buttons are not working every time I load BS_Gaming_01.

I'm sorry Jimmi if I haven't always been able to give you all the information you needed. You have been a great help and thanks to you I will be much wiser If I need to visit github again.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

I've just noticed this issue is still open?

and says

"Needs updating to 2.3.0 standard. Site starts visually breaking with 2.3.1 (github)."

I don't have "visually breaking", except on a few occasions the forum buttons don't have any words on them in BS Gaming, but does it still need updating? (I did read that issue when I first went to that page, but assumed it was closed/dealt with.)

[ Just a small point on something else. The "close" and "comment" buttons are very close together, I've hit the wrong one several times, ("old age doesn't come alone!"), if it were me I would have the "close" button on the left.}

Btw what does "BS" stand for in BS Gaming, not what I'm thinking I hope lol!

Jimmi08 commented 2 years ago

@Dxvid64 Go to It is probably the best way how to find help. It looks like nobody else is here. I don't know how to fix this.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Don't worry if you can't. I'm away mon-Fri and if someone has'nt found a solution by then I will probably just stay with Bootstrap 3. Thanks.