fizi / BS_Gaming_01

e107 theme for Game website
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PM button not working #4

Open Dxvid64 opened 2 years ago

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

PM Nothing happens when clicking the PM button, (top right of the page), whilst using the BS_Gaming_01 theme. Sometimes the button works for aprox. 1/2 hr. but most of the time it doesn't work at all. I have switched to the Bootstrap 3 theme where the PM button always works. (I am using e107 2.3.2).

Jimmi08 commented 2 years ago

You were logged out, it has nothing with the theme, the theme just displays the core output. @deltik Could this be caused by the theme? See #3 too. Thanks

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

No I'm not logged out, you just can't see the loggin button in the pic.

Deltik commented 2 years ago

I can't reproduce the issue: norepro

My guess is a JavaScript evaluation error. Check your browser's JavaScript console for more information.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

I disabled Java but it didn't make any difference unfortunately. I had no issues at first, they gradually increased over a weeks constant use, only becoming bad enough to stop using it after about 5 days.

Deltik commented 2 years ago

We can only speculate unless you provide errors from your browser's JavaScript console. Note that JavaScript is required for the dropdown to appear, so if there is an error interrupting JavaScript on the page, that would stop the dropdown from opening.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

FB.txt I think Firefox stopped supporting Java plugin a while ago so have attached output from browser console? If that is not what you want let me know, in simple terms, and I will do it. Thanks for your help.

Deltik commented 2 years ago

JavaScript, not Java. On Firefox, JavaScript errors are logged in the message display pane of the Web Console. Here is the documentation for the Web Console:

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Here is the web console output for the home page,


and here are just the "warnings",


Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Any luck?

Deltik commented 2 years ago

Those logs don't show any JavaScript errors. Make sure the console is running when the page loads or reloads.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Here is the Console output after removing Firefox data then reloading page with Console running,


Deltik commented 2 years ago

The attached log only shows the browser's internal logs, not the console log on the web page.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, here it is,


and a version with all the little grey arrows expanded


Deltik commented 2 years ago

There aren't any JavaScript errors in the logs there, either. Are you using the problematic theme and clicking on the button that won't open?

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Yes the login button on the home page. The pm button doesn't work either.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

I'm currently using boostrap3 theme as the site is live, but switch to Bsgaming1 to do the tests you ask for.

Dxvid64 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your help, don't worry about it anymore, I think I am starting to prefer Bootsrap3 anyway. It's fast, clean and does everything I want it to do.