fizruk / telegram-bot-simple

Easy to use library for building Telegram bots in Haskell.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
106 stars 52 forks source link

SendMessage hangs indefinitely on some sendMessageText field values #158

Open tim2CF opened 8 months ago

tim2CF commented 8 months ago

Example. No success or error returned, no exception is thrown, no logs produced, "SENT!" line is never reached. Basically everything just hangs on Tele.sendMessage line. Telegram Bot API might not support nested HTML tags, but in this case I expect some sort of exception. Current behaviour might be caused by the way how exceptions are handled inside servant client, but I don't know how to debug or fix it properly.

import qualified Telegram.Bot.API as Tele
import qualified Telegram.Bot.Simple as Tele
import qualified Telegram.Bot.Simple.Debug as Tele

sendTeleMsg :: Tele.BotM ()
sendTeleMsg = do
  putStrLn ("SENDING" :: Text)
  response <-
      $ Tele.sendMessage
          { Tele.sendMessageChatId = Tele.SomeChatUsername chat,
            Tele.sendMessageMessageThreadId = Nothing,
            Tele.sendMessageText =
              "<a href=\"\"><span>[image]</span></a>",
            Tele.sendMessageParseMode = Just Tele.HTML,
            Tele.sendMessageEntities = Nothing,
            Tele.sendMessageDisableWebPagePreview = Just True,
            Tele.sendMessageDisableNotification = Just True,
            Tele.sendMessageProtectContent = Nothing,
            Tele.sendMessageReplyToMessageId = Nothing,
            Tele.sendMessageAllowSendingWithoutReply = Nothing,
            Tele.sendMessageReplyMarkup = Nothing
  putStrLn ("SENT!" :: Text)
tim2CF commented 8 months ago

I was manage to reach some limited success with decreasing Manager timeout. For example this env setup works ok, and gives timeout exception in case Telegram API does not reply (for whatever reason):

  man <-
      $ Http.tlsManagerSettings
        { Http.managerResponseTimeout = Http.responseTimeoutMicro 20_000_000
  pusher <-
    Tele.startBotAsync teleBot
      . Servant.mkClientEnv man
      . Tele.botBaseUrl
      . Tele.Token
      $ token

However, if I increase timeout just a bit more to ~ 25.9 seconds, it behaves badly again, and never throw timeout exception. Might be this strange behavioural shift related to this line somehow? Any ideas for a good fix?