fizx / robots

robots.txt parser
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No such file to load -- robots #6

Open RichardStokes opened 13 years ago

RichardStokes commented 13 years ago

Getting 'LoadError: no such file to load -- robots' when I try to require 'robots' in irb. Have robots 0.10.1 installed.

krbullock commented 13 years ago

Just noticed this myself on Mac OS X Lion (10.7). On investigation, it seems the released gem file has all the file permissions set to -rw-rw---- (mode 660), whereas every other gem I've looked at sets them mode 644. My first inkling of the actual problem was when I tried this:

⁂ cat /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/robots-0.10.1/lib/robots.rb 
cat: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/robots-0.10.1/lib/robots.rb: Permission denied

I have another machine running Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6), which for whatever reason doesn't exhibit this issue.

failshell commented 12 years ago

I get that error on Centos as well when installing the gem with rubygems. Once I chmod that file to 644, everything works.

nyarly commented 12 years ago

Seriously, the only way this makes sense is if lib/robots.rb has root ownership and 660 in the packaging directory. This is a recurring irritation in several projects now and it would lovely if it could get fixed.

axper commented 9 years ago

robots.rb had these permissions:

-rw-r----- 1 root root 3.1K Oct 19 16:47 robots.rb

Just please simply chmod o+r it!!!