This is an issue in reference to #26 which is related to the "primitives and nested role=Menu/Menuitem" branch. All tests use native SR navigation (arrow keys) and TAB.
Preface: A seasoned SR user could have the knowledge to navigate and explore the menu test webpage with more nuance, whether through manual mode switching, certain key shortcuts, etc. But this test is with the SR’s default/automatic options and performed as if a new or beginner user is interacting with SVG elements. We would expect that all users could be able to navigate smoothly, regardless of experience levels.
Issue Summary
Note: This test was done using native SR arrow key navigation (selected checkbox in test.)
VoiceOver recognizes what should be menu elements only as “text” elements. There is no toggleable state, and there are no menu/sub-menu elements.
Starting at the "Interactions Instructions" heading: Use VoiceOver's Control+Option+Down arrow key to navigate into the SVG space with the "Enable Arrow Key Navigation" checkbox checked. Continue to press Control+Option+Down arrow key to explore the SVG elements.
Expected behavior (Pass/Fail)
FAIL We expect that a screen reader (SR) can navigate to each element with a role and aria-label using a keyboard (SVG, g, and all SVG primitives).
FAIL We expect that the visual focus indicator moves to the correct element and has the correct bounding dimensions.
Pass We expect that the visual focus indicator will remain in view at all times and may even adjust the scroll position of the page while navigating.
FAIL The SVG is labelled by the chart's title and subtitle (these should be read as a single text when navigating to the root element).
FAIL The title and subtitle are hidden from a screen reader because they are announced on their parent element instead. These elements should not be read out loud.
FAIL The elements are grouped in pairs. The screen reader should be able to separately navigate to the group before navigating to each pair.
FAIL Each primitive (rect, circle, path, text) should be accessible by a screen reader and read the number and label for that element.
FAIL/Pass We expect that a SR will announce the aria-label correctly for each element, followed by its role.
The aria label should announce the number, followed by the type of primitive (eg "7 Rect"), even though the text may be displayed visually in a different order. This is designed intentionally to ensure that the ARIA is working correctly.
FAIL We expect that different SVG primitives (rect, circle, path, text) will be consistent with each other based on previous expectations.
FAIL We expect that the SVG elements will provide the same experience as the HTML elements (below the SVG space).
FAIL We expect that a SR will be able to expand a menu element open or closed.
FAIL We expect that a SR will announce the expanded state correctly when navigated to.
FAIL We expect that a SR will announce the expanded state correctly when changed.
FAIL We expect that when an option has been selected, the SR will give feedback.
This is an issue in reference to #26 which is related to the "primitives and nested role=Menu/Menuitem" branch. All tests use native SR navigation (arrow keys) and TAB.
Preface: A seasoned SR user could have the knowledge to navigate and explore the menu test webpage with more nuance, whether through manual mode switching, certain key shortcuts, etc. But this test is with the SR’s default/automatic options and performed as if a new or beginner user is interacting with SVG elements. We would expect that all users could be able to navigate smoothly, regardless of experience levels.
Issue Summary
Note: This test was done using native SR arrow key navigation (selected checkbox in test.) VoiceOver recognizes what should be menu elements only as “text” elements. There is no toggleable state, and there are no menu/sub-menu elements.
Video of issue
Example starts at 00:00:34
Steps to reproduce
Starting at the "Interactions Instructions" heading: Use VoiceOver's Control+Option+Down arrow key to navigate into the SVG space with the "Enable Arrow Key Navigation" checkbox checked. Continue to press Control+Option+Down arrow key to explore the SVG elements.
Expected behavior (Pass/Fail)
Technical Details
VoiceOver (default) Safari 15.5 (17613. MacBook Pro/ macOS Monterey 12.4