fjames86 / ftw

Common Lisp Win32 GUI library
MIT License
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ftw crashes when alpha-blending is exported #6

Open dertuxmalwieder opened 2 weeks ago

dertuxmalwieder commented 2 weeks ago

A curious little problem: I wrote an application with ftw and it generally works just fine (thank you for your efforts!). However, creating and using an .exe just won't work if I use alpha-blending. I can perfectly reproduce that with your own example code, as icon.lisp uses alpha-blending as well:

> sbcl --load icon.lisp


* (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "test.exe" :toplevel #'ftw.icon:test-icon3 :executable t)

Trying to run test.exe, the result I get in the console window is: "Error 87: wrong parameter". This is weird, as calling (ftw.icon:test-icon3) right from inside of the REPL does not have any problem, and I have no problem compiling other examples like dragdrop.lisp. What could be the culprit here?

Windows 10, 64-bit.

fjames86 commented 2 weeks ago

Good question, and off the top of my head I've no idea. Quite an odd bug. I admit I never used saved images so it's not something I ever tested when I wrote it.

I will try to reproduce it.

dertuxmalwieder commented 2 weeks ago

Ah, I could perfectly live without the alpha blending (and/or .exe files), but the tool I wrote could be useful for other people, and those other people like 1) eye-candy and 2) pre-built binaries...

Thank you for looking into this!