fjborquez / aang

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Get houses by person #23

Closed Norbbs closed 6 months ago

Norbbs commented 6 months ago

As a Data owner I want to see the person's houses registered in the system So that visualize relevant information and be able to update and delete information

Definition Of Ready (DoR)

Definition Observations
  • - [x]
The story meet the INVEST and SMART criteria
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Dependencies identified and resolved
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Written acceptance criteria with test scenarios, understood by the team and agreed upon
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The user story was understood and agreed upon in a refinement session with the dev team
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The team has an idea of how to make the demonstration of the finished story


  1. Create an endpoint for person's houses
  2. Get data from persons and persons_houses tables.

Out of scope

  1. create, update, delete and other non-showing processes.

Acceptance Criteria

  • - [x]
1 Not obtain information a person ID the getting houses information process is triggered AND there is not information the endpoint will return an empty list (not null is allowed)
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2 Get person's houses a valid person ID the getting houses information process is triggered houses information is obtained from the data base
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3 Return an error because of incorrect ID an invalid ID the getting houses information process is triggered the endpoint will return an error message.

Definition of Done (DoD)

Definition Result
  • - [x]
All acceptance criteria have been met
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No significant or critical defects
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Deskcheck ceremony has been made
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Keep minimum test coverage of 80% over the necessary code and components
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Technical documentation published
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Spike, PoC or benchmarks findings documented