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Register a new user account #28

Open Norbbs opened 6 months ago

Norbbs commented 6 months ago

As a User I want to register for an account on the system So that I can access the features and services offered.

Definition Of Ready (DoR)

Definition Observations
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The story meet the INVEST and SMART criteria
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Dependencies identified and resolved
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Written acceptance criteria with test scenarios, understood by the team and agreed upon
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The user story was understood and agreed upon in a refinement session with the dev team
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The team has an idea of how to make the demonstration of the finished story


  1. Work with the following entities: User
    • Id
    • email
    • password
    • isActive
    • person


  • Id
  • name
  • lastName
  • dateOfBirth
  • nutritionalProfile


  • person
  • nutritionalRestriction


  • Id
  • description
  1. All the properties are mandatory except to NutritionalProfile.

Out of scope

  1. Any other entity beyond User and Person.
  2. Implementations such as Login or sessions management are out of scope.



This card scope is about the RED RECTANGLE


Acceptance Criteria

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1 Register an user account successfully an person entity with all its fields correct the person registration process is triggered a new person will be created and return the ID generated
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2 Register an user account successfully an user entity with all its fields correct included an Person as a part of the user entity the user account registration process is triggered a new user will be created with isActive property value is false and return the ID generated
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3 DON'T register an user account because of name is missing an person entity without name property (empty or null) the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "name is missing"
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4 DON'T register an user account because of lastname is missing an person entity without lastname property (empty or null) the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "lastname is missing"
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5 DON'T register an user account because of date of birth is missing an person entity without date of birth property (empty or null) the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "date of birth is missing"
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6 DON'T register an user account because of name incorrect dimension an person entity which name characters are greater than 30 the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "name exceeds maximum of 30 characters"
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7 DON'T register an user account because of lastname incorrect dimension an person entity which lastname characters are greater than 30 the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "Lastname exceeds maximum of 30 characters"
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8 DON'T register an user account because of name incorrect format an person entity with incorrect name property the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "name has an incorrect format"
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9 DON'T register an user account because of lastname incorrect format an person entity with incorrect lastname property the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "lastname has an incorrect format"
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10 DON'T register an user account because of date of birth incorrect format an person entity with incorrect date of birth property the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "date of birth has an incorrect format"
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11 DON'T register an user account because of future date of birth an person entity with a future date of birth property the person registration process is triggered the person won't be created and return an error message like "Future date of birth are not allowed"
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12 DON'T register an user account because of email is missing an user entity without email property (empty or null) the user registration process is triggered the user won't be created and return an error message like "email is missing"
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13 DON'T register an user account because of email incorrect format an user entity with an email that's not following the standart for email structure the user registration process is triggered the user won't be created and return an error message like "email incorrect structure"
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14 DON'T register an user account because of password is missing an user entity without password property (empty or null) the user registration process is triggered the user won't be created and return an error message like "password is missing"
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15 DON'T register an user account because of password length an user entity with password property is shorter than 8 the user registration process is triggered the user won't be created and return an error message like "password incorrect longer"
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16 DON'T register an user account because of a password is not including a number and a symbol at least an user entity with password property is not including numbers neither symbols the user registration process is triggered the user won't be created and return an error message like "password must include numbers and symbols at least one"

Definition of Done (DoD)

Definition Result
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All acceptance criteria have been met
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No significant or critical defects
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Deskcheck ceremony has been made
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Keep minimum test coverage of 80% over the necessary code and components
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Technical documentation published
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Spike, PoC or benchmarks findings documented