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Create a house #32

Closed Norbbs closed 5 months ago

Norbbs commented 5 months ago

As a Data Owner I want to create a house data to the other users So that they can access to completely created data and utilize the data related to the house for their respective needs

Definition Of Ready (DoR)

Definition Observations
  • - [x]
The story meet the INVEST and SMART criteria
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Dependencies identified and resolved
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Written acceptance criteria with test scenarios, understood by the team and agreed upon
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The user story was understood and agreed upon in a refinement session with the dev team
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The team has an idea of how to make the demonstration of the finished story


  1. Create data in the entity Person:
    • id (integer, mandatory).
    • description (string, mandatory, max 30 chatacters).
    • city_id (foreign key)

Out of scope

  1. create, delete and other non-creation processes.
  2. For the cities entity: province, region and country are out of scope.



Acceptance Criteria

  • - [x]
1 Create a house successfully a house description correctly the house creation process is triggered the house will be created to the table houses.
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2 Create a house successfully with isDefault property is true a house description correctly and isDefault property is false the house creation process is triggered AND the person has NOT any house registered the house will be created to the table houses with isDefault property true.
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3 Create a house successfully with isDefault property is true a house description correctly and isDefault property is true the house creation process is triggered AND the person has at least one house registered the house will be created on the table houses with isDefault property true AND the old one set the isDefault property false and will be updated with isDefault property false.
  • - [x]
4 Create house successfully with isDefault property is false a house description correctly and isDefault property is false the house creation process is triggered AND the person has at least one house registered the house will be created to the table houses with isDefault property false.
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5 Don't create new house because of lack of description a house description null or empty the house creation process is triggered the house WON'T be created to the table houses.
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6 Don't create the house because of maximum characters allows a house description with more than 30 characters the house creation process is triggered a new house WON'T be created to the table houses.
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7 Don't create a house because of data duplication a house description correctly AND person has one house with the SAME description in the SAME city registered the house creation process is triggered a new house WON'T be updated to the table houses .
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8 Don't create a house because of lack of city a house's city is null or empty the house creation process is triggered the house WON'T be created to the table houses.
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9 Create a house NOT because of data duplication a house description correctly AND person has one house with the SAME description but NOT in the SAME city registered the house creation process is triggered the house will be created to the houses table.
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10 Create a house NOT because of data duplication a house description correctly AND person has one house with a DIFFERENT description but in the SAME city registered the house creation process is triggered the house will be created on the table houses.
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11 Create house NOT because of data duplication a house description correctly AND person has one house with a DIFFERENT description in a DIFFERENT city registered the house creation process is triggered the house will be created on the table houses.

Definition of Done (DoD)

Definition Result
  • - [x]
All acceptance criteria have been met
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No significant or critical defects
  • - [x]
Deskcheck ceremony has been made
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Keep minimum test coverage of 80% over the necessary code and components
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Technical documentation published
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Spike, PoC or benchmarks findings documented