fjborquez / katara

Frontend for Avatar project
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Discard Expired Products from Inventory #49

Open Norbbs opened 6 days ago

Norbbs commented 6 days ago

As a User I want to discard products that are marked as "Expired" from the inventory table, So that I can effectively manage my stock by removing items that are no longer usable and keeping the inventory up to date.


  1. When the user clicks on the "Expired" icon 🚨, an option to "Discard" should be displayed.
  2. Upon pressing the "Discard" button, the product's status should change from "Expired" to "Discarded".
  3. The product should no longer appear in the inventory table, necessitating a refresh of the table to reflect the updated inventory status.

Out of scope

  1. Any modifications to non-expired products or their statuses.