fjoniyz / ganges

A project for the module (Advanced) Distributed Systems Prototyping at the Technical University of Berlin.
MIT License
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DevDiary: Maxim #12

Open nomorehumor opened 1 year ago

nomorehumor commented 1 year ago


nomorehumor commented 1 year ago

08.05 - 14.05

nomorehumor commented 1 year ago

15.05 - 21.05

nomorehumor commented 1 year ago

22.05 - 28.05

nomorehumor commented 1 year ago

29.05 - 04.06

nomorehumor commented 1 year ago

05.06 - 11.06

nomorehumor commented 11 months ago


nomorehumor commented 11 months ago


nomorehumor commented 11 months ago

26.06 - 02.07

Started working on the benchmarks. Created a plan to implement the monitoring module inside our system and the scenarios for testing. Researched some ways of benchmarking kafka. It turned out that Kafka can't provide any record timestamps, so direct testing of our Kafka Streams application became impossible

nomorehumor commented 11 months ago

03.07 - 09.07

Gathered with @ingastrelnikova and @overflw to discuss the benchmarking and its possible integration with visualization framework. We came up with some ideas and took a look at the OpenMessaging project that may help with the benchmarking. However, we decided that it will need to much effort to use it right now.

nomorehumor commented 11 months ago

10.07 - 16.07

nomorehumor commented 11 months ago

17.07 - 23.07

nomorehumor commented 10 months ago

Lecture Free Period (24.07-31.08)