fjsanpedro / vagrant-nodemaster

A Vagrant plugin to set a computer as a node master in a client/server infraestructure
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399: unexpected token at '{"status":"undefined method `join" for nil:NilClass"}]' #4

Open enorniel opened 9 years ago

enorniel commented 9 years ago


I have this error when I try to connect to a remote node.

I set up my remote node:

vagrant nodeserver start

vagrant nodeserver passwd  # (I set it to 1234567890)

Then I added it to my local system:

vagrant node add NODENAME 3333 1234567890

Then I tried to connect:

vagrant remote up NODENAME --synchronous

And I received the following error:

399: unexpected token at '{"status":"undefined method `join" for nil:NilClass"}]'
fjsanpedro commented 9 years ago


it seems that the answer send by the vagrant-node is not well parsed by vagrant-nodemaster. It may ocurr due to different versions of the gems. Can you tell wich versions of vagrant-nodemaster and vagrant-node have you installed?


enorniel commented 9 years ago

I just installed them 2 days ago via the method described in README, as the github repositories were not touched since a month, I assume it is the last version.

enorniel commented 9 years ago

Ouch, I use vagrant 1.7.2 which is far above the given compatible version. Is it a problem ?

fjsanpedro commented 9 years ago

It could be, i haven't tested that version yet. But I'm going to try in my development environment if there is something wrong or that i have missed.

enorniel commented 9 years ago

Ok, no problem. That's not a blocking task for me.

fjsanpedro commented 9 years ago

Hello enorniel,

it has been a long time since my last answer, but i had some work stuff and i couldn't review this bug.

The problem was generated due to a piece of code from very earlier versions that i hadn't review. I have updated the github repo but the gem won't be ready until next week. But you can change it easily, just replace the requestcontroller.rb file from the repo to the one stored at .vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-node-1.1.2/ in the user home path that runs vagrant.

fjsanpedro commented 9 years ago

Mmm, reading again your error, i realize that maybe you're error is different that the one i've found. Tell me if it works or not when you make the file replacement.

harmishhk commented 9 years ago

i still get the same error "undefined method `join' for nil:NilClass" after replacing the requestcontroller.rb file i'm also running vagrant 1.7.2 on both server and client, and version 1.1.1 of both node and nodemaster (which i've got using 'vagrant plugin install')

fjsanpedro commented 9 years ago

Hello harmishhk,

first of all thanks for your comment. I have to apologize, because i though that i updated to rubygems the last version, but i didn't. This week i will update all plugins to the 1.1.3 release and i hope that these problems will be fixed. But, just one question, have you created the Vagrantfile before starting the service?

Nevertheless, i have to say that the last Vagrant version tested is 1.6.5 (not enough time to code and test with new versions).

I will tell you when the new versions are submitted.

harmishhk commented 9 years ago

hi @fjsanpedro,

thank you for the fast reply. i have tried to run vagrant with latest version from github (1.1.3), for both node and nodemaster. after that i am able to run following command succesfully

vagrant remote up NODENAME --synchronous

and about your qestion, if you meant that I had a default vm listed in vagrant global-status before i started the service, then i don't eaxtly remember. however, it could be the case and in that case there may not exist any vm on the node when i execute above command from master, that would expaling the cause of the error.

so, you may close the issue now.