fjtello / SQL-C-sharp

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SQL [#datepart #row_number #over] Year working day table (bank holidays) #43

Open fjtello opened 6 years ago

fjtello commented 6 years ago

-- Crear tabla de fechas BEGIN DECLARE @f AS TABLE (id INT IDENTITY(1,1), Fecha DATE);

DECLARE @fini AS DATETIME; SET @fini = '2018-01-01'; 
DECLARE @ffin AS DATETIME; SET @ffin = '2018-12-31'; 

IF(@fini >= @ffin) SET @fini = DATEADD(d, -1, @ffin);

WHILE (@fini <= @ffin)
        INSERT INTO @f VALUES (@fini);
        SET @fini = DATEADD(d, 1, @fini);

    declare @festivos as table (festivo date unique);
    insert into @festivos (festivo) values ('2018-01-01'), ('2018-01-06'), 
    ('2018-04-26'), ('2018-04-27'), ('2018-05-01'), ('2018-05-02'), 
    ('2018-05-15'), ('2018-08-15'), ('2018-10-12'), ('2018-11-01'), 
    ('2018-11-09'), ( '2018-12-06'), ('2018-12-08'), ('2018-12-25'), 


-- Ver laborables del año ; with z as ( select fecha, (case datepart(weekday, fecha) when 2 then 'Lun' when 3 then 'Mar' when 4 then 'Mié' when 5 then 'Jue' when 6 then 'Vie' else'' end) diaSem from @f where datepart(weekday, fecha) not in (1,7) and fecha not in (select festivo from @festivos) ) select fecha, diaSem, row_number() over (order by fecha) orden from z order by fecha