fjvallarino / monomer

An easy to use, cross platform, GUI library for writing Haskell applications.
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An image generated by `imageMem` doesn't respond any events #41

Closed toku-sa-n closed 2 years ago

toku-sa-n commented 2 years ago

I want to make an application that shows a part of an image file and move the part with arrow keys. The repository is here. (Note that this repository doesn't contain a font file. Please copy the one from the monomer-starter repository.)

When I press the arrow keys, the values of _position in AppModel change, but the image doesn't change.

However, if I change the initial position, the result is what I expected.

16-11-2021_14 15 50_screenshot

So I thought the image generated by imageMem didn't respond to any events. Is this the expected behavior?

GHC version: 8.10.7 cabal version:

toku-sa-n commented 2 years ago

I figured out what happened here. I didn't change the logical name of the image, so this branch always goes to oldSource == imgSource. If I change the image name on every event, the image is updated. (link)

I don't know whether this is the expected behavior or not, but since my problem is solved, I'll close this issue. Thank you.

fjvallarino commented 2 years ago

Hi! Looks good! The only issue I see is this method would be recreating the image every time the user presses the arrow keys. I tested a couple of alternatives:

I paste below the solution I tested. You will notice some scroll-related things (the image was previously wrapped in a scroll with key "imageScroll"). I left it there because I want to review it later, but you can ignore it. Only the padding part is interesting at this point:

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}

module Main
  ( main
  ) where

import qualified Codec.Picture                   as Pic
import           Codec.Picture.Extra             (crop)
import           Control.Lens                    (makeLenses, (&), (+~), (^.))
import qualified Data.ByteString                 as B
import qualified Data.Text                       as T
import           Data.Vector.Storable.ByteString (vectorToByteString)
import           Linear.V2                       (V2 (V2))
import           Monomer                         (AppEventResponse,
                                                  EventResponse (Event, Message, Model),
                                                  Rect (Rect), ScrollMessage (ScrollTo),
                                                  Size (Size), WidgetEnv,
                                                  WidgetNode, appFontDef,
                                                  appTheme, box_, darkTheme, image, imageMem,
                                                  keystroke, label, nodeKey, scroll, startApp,
                                                  styleBasic, vstack, width, height, alignLeft, paddingL, paddingT)
import           TextShow                        (TextShow (showt))

import qualified Monomer.Lens as L

data AppModel =
    { _position :: V2 Int,
      _imageSize :: (Int, Int)
  deriving (Eq)

makeLenses ''AppModel

data Event
  = MoveUp
  | MoveDown
  | MoveRight
  | MoveLeft
  | UpdateScroll

vpWidth :: Double
vpWidth = 100

handleEvent ::
     WidgetEnv AppModel Event
  -> WidgetNode AppModel Event
  -> AppModel
  -> Event
  -> [AppEventResponse AppModel Event]
handleEvent _ _ model event =
  case event of
    MoveUp    -> [Model $ model & position +~ V2 0 (-1), Event UpdateScroll]
    MoveDown  -> [Model $ model & position +~ V2 0 1, Event UpdateScroll]
    MoveRight -> [Model $ model & position +~ V2 1 0, Event UpdateScroll]
    MoveLeft  -> [Model $ model & position +~ V2 (-1) 0, Event UpdateScroll]
    UpdateScroll -> [Message "imageScroll" (ScrollTo visibleRect)]
    V2 x y = model ^. position
    visibleRect = Rect (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) 1 1

buildUI :: WidgetEnv AppModel Event -> AppModel -> WidgetNode AppModel Event
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
    V2 px py = model ^. position
    widgetTree =
      withKeys $
        [ box_ [alignLeft] $ image "dog.jpg"
            `nodeKey` "imageScroll"
            `styleBasic` [width 100, height 100, paddingL (fromIntegral px), paddingT (fromIntegral py)]
    withKeys =
        [ ("Up", MoveUp)
        , ("Down", MoveDown)
        , ("Right", MoveRight)
        , ("Left", MoveLeft)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  img <-
    Pic.convertRGBA8 .
       Right x -> x
       Left _  -> error "Failed to load the image.") <$>
    Pic.readImage "./dog.jpg"
  let model = AppModel (V2 0 0) (Pic.imageWidth img, Pic.imageHeight img)
    [appTheme darkTheme, appFontDef "Regular" "Roboto-Regular.ttf"]

I'll keep you posted regarding the scroll alternative.

fjvallarino commented 2 years ago

Hi! Sorry for the delay. I added an onChange event to the scroll widget that provides information about the position of the scrollbars; this information allows for better control to handle your use case. The idea is to rely on the existing widgets, without having to manually load images. You can still create an image from a memory block if you're doing generative art but, once the image widget is created, you should not need to worry about updating it.

The updated example below should work fine if you add a file named cabal.project in the root of your project with this content:

packages: .

    type: git
    tag: 41bb66744559c8b075746b34eeedf8808a0b916a

This is the updated example:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}

module Main
  ( main
  ) where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Default
import Monomer
import TextShow

import qualified Monomer.Lens as L

data AppModel =
      _scrollInfo :: ScrollStatus,
      _rectX :: Double,
      _rectY :: Double
  deriving (Eq)

makeLenses ''AppModel

data Event
  = MoveUp
  | MoveDown
  | MoveRight
  | MoveLeft
  | UpdateScroll
  | ScrollChanged ScrollStatus

step :: Double
step = 20

handleEvent ::
     WidgetEnv AppModel Event
  -> WidgetNode AppModel Event
  -> AppModel
  -> Event
  -> [AppEventResponse AppModel Event]
handleEvent _ _ model event =
  case event of
    MoveUp    -> [
      Model $ model
        & rectY .~ max 0 (deltaY + sy - step),
        Event UpdateScroll]
    MoveDown  -> [
        Model $ model
          & rectY .~ min (sy + ch) (deltaY + sy + vph + step),
        Event UpdateScroll]
    MoveRight -> [
      Model $ model
        & rectX .~ min (sx + cw) (deltaX + sx + vpw + step),
      Event UpdateScroll]
    MoveLeft  -> [
      Model $ model
        & rectX .~ max 0 (deltaX + sx - step),
        Event UpdateScroll]
    UpdateScroll -> [Message "imageScroll" (ScrollTo visibleRect)]
    ScrollChanged info -> [
        Model $ model
          & scrollInfo .~ info
    deltaX = -1 * scrollDeltaX (model ^. scrollInfo)
    deltaY = -1 * scrollDeltaY (model ^. scrollInfo)
    Rect sx sy _ _ = scrollRect (model ^. scrollInfo)
    Size vpw vph = scrollVpSize (model ^. scrollInfo)
    Size cw ch = scrollChildSize (model ^. scrollInfo)
    visibleRect = Rect (model ^. rectX) (model ^. rectY) 1 1

buildUI :: WidgetEnv AppModel Event -> AppModel -> WidgetNode AppModel Event
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
    widgetTree =
      withKeys $
        [ box_ [alignLeft] $ scroll_ [scrollInvisible, onChange ScrollChanged] (image "dog.jpg")
            `nodeKey` "imageScroll"
            `styleBasic` [width 200, height 200]
        ] `styleBasic` [padding 50]
    withKeys =
        [ ("Up", MoveUp)
        , ("Down", MoveDown)
        , ("Right", MoveRight)
        , ("Left", MoveLeft)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let model = AppModel def 0 0
    [appTheme darkTheme, appFontDef "Regular" "assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"]

I think this functionality should be available out of the box (optionally). However, I'm still on the fence on whether adding it to scroll is the best option or having a separate widget that can wrap an existing scroll is the best option.

If you have a chance to test it, let me know if it covers your use case. Thanks!

toku-sa-n commented 2 years ago

Happy new year, and sorry for the delay. I confirmed that your code works. Thank you.

If you have a chance to test it, let me know if it covers your use case. Thanks!

Yes, I believe this satisfies my use case. (In fact, my original purpose was to make a roguelike game, and I was trying to implement the smooth map scrolling when the player moves.)

fjvallarino commented 2 years ago

I'll close this issue for the time being. I'll look into adding a native keyboard-based scrolling solution in version 1.4.

If you have any other questions, please re-open the issue or create a new one. Thanks!