fkhadra / react-toastify

React notification made easy 🚀 !
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Position bottom bug #1075

Open notcod opened 4 months ago

notcod commented 4 months ago

I have problem with all bottom positions with v10, here is image: All toasts are bellow visible line, and on hover they are going down instead up. Top positions works fine.


fkhadra commented 3 months ago

Hey @notcod please share a codesandox that reproduce the bug, without that I won't be able to help thank you

alajmo commented 3 months ago

Here's a codesandbox of the issue (seems only to be when you use stacked, otherwise it works):


aminBenSlimen commented 2 months ago

Seems like stacked is weird with other options, i solved this one with moving the position option from the toast emitter to the ToastContainer .

toast("You cannot se me because I'm drowning :(", {
            // position: "bottom-left", Remove this one
            autoClose: 2500,

Put it here <ToastContainer stacked position="bottom-left" />

it's also worth mentioning that it's also buggy when you set newestOnTop to true, the ordering is messed up until you hover and unhover again.

a-Marino commented 2 weeks ago

Seems like stacked is weird with other options, i solved this one with moving the position option from the toast emitter to the ToastContainer .

toast("You cannot se me because I'm drowning :(", {
            // position: "bottom-left", Remove this one
            autoClose: 2500,

Put it here <ToastContainer stacked position="bottom-left" />

it's also worth mentioning that it's also buggy when you set newestOnTop to true, the ordering is messed up until you hover and unhover again.

Had the same issue and this fixed it for now