fkhadra / react-toastify

React notification made easy 🚀 !
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Add a data attribute to ToastContainer #1106

Open Miladxsar23 opened 1 month ago

Miladxsar23 commented 1 month ago

Feature-request: Add a data attribute to ToastContainer


As part of improving the testability of react-toastify, I propose adding a data attribute to the ToastContainer component. This would allow us to easily target specific toasts in our E2E tests, making them more precise and efficient.



There are two main approaches to implementing this feature:

  1. Add a new prop to ToastContainer: This is the simplest approach. We can add a new prop called dataAttribute to ToastContainer that allows users to specify their own data attribute for toasts.

  2. Use the useToast hook: The useToast hook in react-toastify allows us to create toasts programmatically. We can modify this hook to add a dataAttribute prop that allows users to specify the data attribute for the toast they are creating.


Call to action:

I would love to discuss this proposal further with the react-toastify team and get your feedback on the best way to implement it. I am also happy to contribute code if needed.