fkie / multimaster_fkie

ROS stack with FKIE packages for multi-robot (discovering, synchronizing and management GUI)
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remote launch a ros node: default_cfg_fkie #134

Closed SunggooJung closed 3 years ago

SunggooJung commented 3 years ago

until the 'melodic-devel' branch, executing a launch file from node_manager GUI window was possible by bring up the node like the below.

<node name="test" pkg="default_cfg_fkie" type="default_cfg" clear_params="true">
      <param name="capability_group" value="/SYSTEM"/>
      <param name="package" value="capability_scout"/>
      <param name="launch_file" value="test.launch"/>      

however, for the new version of node_manager this seems not available any more.

Do you have any idea of how to?

atiderko commented 3 years ago

use fkie_node_manager_daemon instead.

  <node name="node_manager_daemon" pkg="fkie_node_manager_daemon" type="node_manager_daemon"
      args="-l $(find capability_scout)/launch/test.launch">

-l: loads given file on start -a: loads given file on start and launch nodes after load launch file

comma separated for multiple files

SunggooJung commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your quick advice

my test.launch in capability_scout package is like this,

  <!-- === GENERAL ARGUMENTS === -->
  <arg name="robot_namespace"          default="scout"/>
  <arg name="simulation"               default="true"/>

  <param name="capability_group" value="test"/>
  <!-- === Sensor On === -->

  <include file="$(find tensorflow_object_detector)/launch/detection.launch">
    <arg name="robot_namespace"  value="$(arg robot_namespace)"/>

  <include file="$(find usb_cam)/launch/usb_cam.launch">
    <arg name="robot_namespace"  value="$(arg robot_namespace)"/>

  <include file="$(find artifact_localization)/launch/artifact.launch">
    <arg name="robot_namespace"  value="$(arg robot_namespace)"/>


However, I still cannot execute a launch from node_manager GUI as I have done in 'melodic-devel' branch. Did I correctly configure my test.launch?

atiderko commented 3 years ago

sorry, my fault!

Instead of args="-l $(find capability_scout)/launch/test.launch" You have to use args="-l pkg://capability_scout/launch/test.launch"

You can also start only one daemon per host!

SunggooJung commented 3 years ago

Great! Finally it works now,

Thank you very much!