fkie / multimaster_fkie

ROS stack with FKIE packages for multi-robot (discovering, synchronizing and management GUI)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Error while start master_discovery #196

Open jfaure6 opened 1 year ago

jfaure6 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I followed the Technical Report by Sergi Hernandez Juan and Fernando Herrero Cotarelo (Multi Master ROS Systems) and I am facing this issue : Error while start master_discovery: socket.error[19]: [Errno 19] No such device, is multicast route set? e.g. sudo route add -net netmask eth0 By running the suggested command, it works fine, but for once. I need to start this command each time and it is annoying. How to fix this issue ?

atiderko commented 1 year ago

Hello, you need to set a default gateway or route for multicast in your network settings.

jfaure6 commented 1 year ago

Thx. I saw in the document a way to set a default gateway. I tried to follow the instructions (creating a file in /etc/network/if-up.d) to add a default gateway, but I don't know where to do it, because my setup is the following :

atiderko commented 1 year ago

There are many ways to set a permanent route under Linux. It depends on your operating system and chosen network configuration. It is important to define to which network interface the multicast messages should be sent. You have to set this up on each host.