fkling / astexplorer

A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers.
MIT License
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Add winston to logs in server side. #636

Closed LeoDog896 closed 2 years ago

LeoDog896 commented 2 years ago

Winston easily formats the logs, and, in the future, if anyone forks it, they can easily set it to output to a rolling file. This also gives the opportunity to use logger.debug in the future as well as easily set the log level for quick debugging if anything goes wrong on the server.

fkling commented 2 years ago

I understand the reasoning, but I don't actually expect anybody else to run the server. If someone runs their own copy of astexplorer, they can do that without the server. The server only exists for gist integration and serving the old parse data. Since I cannot dedicate a lot of time to the project I want to keep external dependencies as minimal as possible (which isn't easy for such a project).