fkmajiji / MCAN

This repository is the official implementation of Mosaic Convolution-Attention Network for Demosaicing Multispectral Filter Array Images (TCI 2021)
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Training dataset #1

Open Yuannianzeng opened 2 years ago

Yuannianzeng commented 2 years ago

Could you provide training datasets?

fkmajiji commented 2 years ago

Okay, I will upload the dataset to the cloud disk in a few days.

Yuannianzeng commented 2 years ago

Thank you!

fkmajiji commented 2 years ago

Now you can download the dataset from the website on Readme.

Yuannianzeng commented 2 years ago

How is the data set generated, and why the following error will be reported when training with other .tif images: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'd' referenced before assignment

fkmajiji commented 2 years ago

I used the libtiff package in python to generate the data. The saving code: from libtiff import TIFFfile, TIFFimage to create a tiff structure from image data the size of t is CHW tiff = TIFFimage(t.astype(np.uint8), description='') to write tiff structure to file tiff.write_file((path + 'name.tif'), compression='none') del tiff # flushes data to disk

Sorry, I don't know about this UnboundLocalError.

yanshuyue commented 1 year ago

@Yuannianzeng Have you solved this error yet? UnboundLocalError: local variable 'd' referenced before assignmen

Yuannianzeng commented 1 year ago

You can see this link ' ', I run this without error.

yanshuyue commented 1 year ago

@Yuannianzeng Is it convenient to give personal emails? I still report an error when I input a 9-channel image. arr[i:i + d.nbytes] = d UnboundLocalError: local variable 'd' referenced before assignment

yanshuyue commented 1 year ago

@fkmajiji I would like to ask you how to get tif format images, I got 9 channels of tif images python does not recognize, you convenient to provide the source code?

fkmajiji commented 1 year ago

This seems to be a problem with the libtiff package. It may be that the version is wrong. In fact, once I configured a new environment, I seem to have encountered this problem, too. Can you send me one your 9 channels of tif image? Let me have a check. My email: