fkxxyz / ssfconv

Sogou input method skin file (.ssf file) converter, supports conversion to fcitx or fcitx5 format.
GNU General Public License v3.0
190 stars 24 forks source link

转换报错了, 可能是依赖的库 API 有重大更新 #9

Open I-Want-ToBelieve opened 3 years ago

I-Want-ToBelieve commented 3 years ago


python --version
Python 3.9.1
pip list
Package                 Version
----------------------- ---------
astroid                 2.5.6
autopep8                1.5.7
beautifulsoup4          4.9.3
bs4                     0.0.1
certifi                 2020.12.5
cffi                    1.14.5
chardet                 4.0.0
colorama                0.4.4
cycler                  0.10.0
dlib                    19.22.0
face-recognition        1.3.0
face-recognition-models 0.3.0
greenlet                1.0.0
idna                    2.10
isort                   5.8.0
kiwisolver              1.3.1
lazy-object-proxy       1.6.0
matplotlib              3.4.2
mccabe                  0.6.1
mpv-remote-app          0.0.3
msgpack                 1.0.2
numpy                   1.20.2
Pillow                  8.2.0
pip                     21.1.2
prettytable             2.1.0
psutil                  5.8.0
pycodestyle             2.7.0
pycparser               2.20
pycryptodome            3.10.1
pylint                  2.8.2
pynvim                  0.4.3
pyparsing               2.4.7
PySocks                 1.7.1
python-bidi             0.4.2
python-dateutil         2.8.1
PyYAML                  5.4.1
qrcode                  6.1
requests                2.25.1
setuptools              49.2.1
shadowsocksr-cli        2.1.2
six                     1.15.0
soupsieve               2.2.1
toml                    0.10.2
urllib3                 1.26.4
wcwidth                 0.2.5
wrapt                   1.12.1


cd ~
git clone
git clone
./ssfconv -t fcitx5 ./Sogou-Input-Skin/for_windows/Boundary.ssf ./Boundary


image_path ./Boundary/skin2_2.png size (22, 22) a.shape (22, 22) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/backtolife/git.workspace/fork.workspace/ssfconv/./ssfconv", line 1214, in exit(main(args)) File "/home/backtolife/git.workspace/fork.workspace/ssfconv/./ssfconv", line 1186, in main result = ssf2fcitx5(skin_dir) File "/home/backtolife/git.workspace/fork.workspace/ssfconv/./ssfconv", line 830, in ssf2fcitx5 back_color = findBackgroundColor() File "/home/backtolife/git.workspace/fork.workspace/ssfconv/./ssfconv", line 812, in findBackgroundColor return getImageAvg(skin_dir + os.sep + image_name, File "/home/backtolife/git.workspace/fork.workspace/ssfconv/./ssfconv", line 119, in getImageAvg if a.shape[2] == 4: IndexError: tuple index out of range