fl4p / batmon-ha

Add-on for Home Assistant to connect JK, JBD, Daly, ANT, SOK and Supervolt BMS via Bluetooth
MIT License
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JK BMS stop reporting Voltage, Amperes, Soc, etc. Report most of the remain values without problems. #235

Open Delphinus44 opened 1 week ago

Delphinus44 commented 1 week ago

A couple of months ago 1 of my 3 BMS stop reporting V, A, W, charge but the report the remain values, this week a second BMS start with same behavior, at the moment only one of the BMS reports 100% of the values, there was no change in BMS, Batmon and Hassio.

Tobfaer commented 1 week ago

I have the same issue since a couple of days. First it was intermittend, now its permanent. SOC, W, A, are no longer being displayed, all values are zero. Voltages however (min, max, average, min cell, max cell....) are completely fine and continue to be displayed. No changes were done to the system. In the JKBMS app all values are correctly reported.

Logs: 21:34:00 INFO [bt] BT Discovery: 21:34:00 INFO [bt] BT Discovery: 21:34:06 INFO [bt] BT C4:47:8C:EA:C3:F8 JK_B1A8S20P 21:34:06 INFO [jikong] normal connect failed ([org.bluez.Error.Failed] Input/output error), connecting with scanner 21:34:39 INFO [sampling] connected bms JKBt(C4:47:8C:EA:C3:F8,JKBMS)! 21:34:40 INFO [sampling] Sending HA discovery for JKBMS (num_samples=1237) 21:38:03 INFO [sampling] JKBMS: BmsSampl(0.0%,U=0.0V,I=0.00A,P=0W,Q=17826/0Ah,mos=0°C) 21:38:03 INFO [sampling] JKBMS volt=[3321,3321,3322,3321,3320,3320,3320,3321] temp=[0.0, 0.0] 21:39:41 INFO [sampling] Sending HA discovery for JKBMS (num_samples=1513) 21:44:42 INFO [sampling] Sending HA discovery for JKBMS (num_samples=1788) 21:48:05 INFO [sampling] JKBMS: BmsSampl(0.0%,U=0.0V,I=0.00A,P=0W,Q=17760/0Ah,mos=0°C) 21:48:05 INFO [sampling] JKBMS volt=[3323,3325,3323,3326,3322,3323,3323,3323] temp=[0.0, 0.0] 21:49:43 INFO [sampling] Sending HA discovery for JKBMS (num_samples=2063) 21:53:06 INFO [sampling] JKBMS: BmsSampl(0.0%,U=0.0V,I=0.00A,P=0W,Q=17760/0Ah,mos=0°C) 21:53:06 INFO [sampling] JKBMS volt=[3325,3325,3325,3323,3322,3323,3322,3322] temp=[0.0, 0.0]