flackr / scroll-timeline

A polyfill of ScrollTimeline.
Apache License 2.0
887 stars 82 forks source link

Make the polyfill more modular #273

Open MurhafSousli opened 6 days ago

MurhafSousli commented 6 days ago

I have a custom scrollbar library that relies on this polyfill https://ngx-scrollbar.netlify.app/. I get many issues related to the polyfill like font imports break in their app when the script is loaded and some get error loading the script especially in stackblitz environment.

Is it possible to breakdown the script into a modular features. for instance, you have view-timeline and scroll-timeline, and you have CSS animation usage and JS usage to make the scroll-timeline work.

I would like to only use the scroll-timeline the JS usage. also ability to import the polyfill through typescript code instead of loading the script the traditional <script> way.