flagpolejs / flagpole

QA automation framework and CLI that unifies HTML integration testing, full E2E browser testing, REST API tests, and more.
MIT License
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TypeScript < 4 not supported #101

Open johnsickels opened 3 years ago

johnsickels commented 3 years ago

We are seeing this on tsc or flagpole build with typescript version 3.8.3

node_modules/flagpole/node_modules/ajv/dist/types/json-schema.d.ts:1:92 - error TS1005: '?' expected.

1 declare type StrictNullChecksWrapper<Name extends string, Type> = undefined extends null ? `strictNullChecks must be true in tsconfig to use ${Name}` : Type;

node_modules/flagpole/node_modules/ajv/dist/types/json-schema.d.ts:1:151 - error TS1005: ';' expected.

1 declare type StrictNullChecksWrapper<Name extends string, Type> = undefined extends null ? `strictNullChecks must be true in tsconfig to use ${Name}` : Type;


FloDanny commented 3 years ago

Our cloud build has this error: Step #9 - "Run UI Tests": node_modules/flagpole/node_modules/ajv/dist/types/json-schema.d.ts(1,92): error TS1005: '?' expected. Step #9 - "Run UI Tests": node_modules/flagpole/node_modules/ajv/dist/types/json-schema.d.ts(1,151): error TS1005: ';' expected.

johnsickels commented 3 years ago

The straw that broke the camel's back https://github.com/ajv-validator/ajv/releases/tag/v8.3.0

johnsickels commented 3 years ago
Finished Step #2 - "Install"
2021/09/12 13:23:35 Step Step #2 - "Install" finished
Starting Step #3 - "Run UI Tests"
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": Already have image: gcr.io/flosports-174016/scorecard:FX-1786-local-cb-script
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": 
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": > scorecard@2.24.5 test-ui-stag /workspace
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": > tsc -p ./src/tsconfig.e2e.json && flagpole run --all -e stag -o xml
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": 
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": node_modules/flagpole/node_modules/ajv/dist/types/json-schema.d.ts(1,92): error TS1005: '?' expected.
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": node_modules/flagpole/node_modules/ajv/dist/types/json-schema.d.ts(1,151): error TS1005: ';' expected.
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": npm ERR! errno 2
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": npm ERR! scorecard@2.24.5 test-ui-stag: `tsc -p ./src/tsconfig.e2e.json && flagpole run --all -e stag -o xml`
Step #3 - "Run UI Tests": npm ERR! Exit status 2

node v12 typescript v3.8.3 flagpole v2.6.5

johnsickels commented 2 years ago
