In the FlagshipProvider we set enableClientCache to true.
However, there are instances where we get a warning that the user has not been initialised. This can be reproduced roughly every 5th load of the app.
This is the error we get "flagship Visitor not initialized"
Code sample:
import FlagshipProvider, {
} from '';
import React from 'react';
import { RootState } from 'typesafe-actions';
import { config } from 'core/config';
import { useStateSelector } from 'core/hooks';
import { crashlyticsLog } from 'core/crashlytics';
import { isAnalyticsAllowed } from 'core/analytics/helpers';
// Note: this is for A/B Testing
const FlagshipWrapper = (props: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
const hasConsented: boolean = useStateSelector((state: RootState) => {
// console.log('====hasAllowedATT', hasAllowedATT, JSON.stringify(cookiesSettings, null, 3));
const consented = isAnalyticsAllowed('abTasty', state);
// console.log(`=== Flaship user consent is ${consented} ===`);
return consented;
const userID: string | undefined = useStateSelector(
(state: RootState) =>
return (
// This is to avoid sending scroll events multiple times sometimes triggered by onViewableItemsChanged
logLevel={9} // level 5 means warnings included
fetchNow // When sdk initialisez this triggers an automatic fetch
onUpdate={(_params: {
fsModifications: Map<string, FlagDTO>;
config: IFlagshipConfig;
status: FsStatus;
}) => {
// console.log('=== FLAGSHIP ON UPDATE ===', config, status);
onInitStart={() => {
crashlyticsLog('=== Flagship init start ===');
onInitDone={() => {
crashlyticsLog('=== Flagship init done ===');
id: userID,
isAuthenticated: !!userID
statusChangedCallback={(status: FlagshipStatus) => {
crashlyticsLog(`=== FLAGSHIP STATUS CHANGED TO: ${status} ===`);
export default FlagshipWrapper;
Any feedback or a code sample on how this should be implemented will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all the support.
In the FlagshipProvider we set enableClientCache to true. However, there are instances where we get a warning that the user has not been initialised. This can be reproduced roughly every 5th load of the app.
This is the error we get "flagship Visitor not initialized"
Code sample:
Any feedback or a code sample on how this should be implemented will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all the support.