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Add ESP-NOW optional module #54

Open nagy opened 9 months ago

nagy commented 9 months ago

This introduces basic support for ESP-NOW, which is a connectionless Wi-Fi communication protocol by Espressif.

More information https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/network/esp_now.html

The state of this PR allows for basic sending of data to a peer or as a broadcast. I am not too happy with the API of espnow_add_peer yet. Also, as you are probably able to see, my forth is not the best so there is certainly something to improve.

If you like the idea of this PR, then I can introduce support for the receiving of data in another PR.

MPETREMANN11 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm working also on ESP-NOW for ESP32Forth.... Link: https://github.com/MPETREMANN11/ESP32forth/tree/main/__sandbox/esp%20now

Articles: https://esp32.arduino-forth.com/#menu-idEspNow

MPETREMANN11 commented 1 month ago

Good evening,

Anyone interested in ESP-NOW for ESP32Forth can write to me directly at: petremann@arduino-forth.com

I am currently writing very detailed documentation on this communication protocol, as well as developing the ESN-NOW API adapted to ESP32Forth.