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A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP)
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Three new positions for PhD candidates at HU Berlin! #2446

Closed alanakbik closed 2 years ago

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

as mentioned earlier (see #2342), my research group at HU Berlin is growing quickly.

We now have three more positions for PhD candidates becoming available! The positions are full-tme and fully paid research associate positions in my group, for persons with a master degree to do research and pursue a PhD in machine learning or NLP:

The first is at the intersection of NLP and ML. The second two are core ML positions in which we look to overcome fundamental problems in deep learning and so require in-depth knowledge of ML.

For all three positions, the deadline is soon (October/November). Consider applying and contact me in case of interest! I'll also post more information once the job ads are up.

Cheers, Alan

Dashulkin commented 2 years ago

Dear @alanakbik, could you please send a bit more information with apply form or something? I would like to apply and try to enter the community. Really like the atmosphere and things happen here. Thank you in advance!

Best regards, Daria Gavrilik

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

Hello @Dashulkin I will add the forms once they are up! More information on the two positions for 2022 will likely be posted here on October 25th. Information on the position that starts end of year will be posted soon(ish), likely in the next weeks or so.

IMTorg commented 2 years ago

Alan, is this position on your team open to english-only speakers? I know some german, but certainly not technical (math-, software-oriented) german.

Thanks, Jason

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

@IMTorg of course - English is not required! German is not required! (edited to correct mistake)

a11to1n3 commented 2 years ago

@alanakbik Hi Alan, I'm interested in interpretable ML. Does your research group have a common interest between interpretable ML and NLP somehow? I still have two semesters left (including the thesis semester), am I eligible to apply for the position in 2022 in case my other question is fulfilled?

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

@a11to1n3 for all positions, the master degree needs to be completed by the time the project starts. The rules unfortunately do not allow persons to be admitted to the doctoral programme who are still finishing up their masters. Regarding your first question: we do have some interest in interpretable ML so maybe its a good fit.

a11to1n3 commented 2 years ago

@alanakbik It is great to hear back from you. Could we discuss further the position and how to apply via email?

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

Yes, email is best!

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

Hi all, a first update on this: The two positions for October 2022 are now posted! Application deadline is November 25th 2021!

Here the important links:

(In the second project we collaborate with the robotics group of Prof. Hafner that looks at this question more from a robotics side. If you're interested more in this, there is a position in her group for the same project (so we'd collaborate a lot): https://scioi.softgarden.io/job/13424162?l=en)

In total, there are 11 doctoral positions now becoming available in the "Science of Intelligence" cluster of excellence here in Berlin (two directly in my group, the others supervised by other groups in Berlin). A full overview is here: https://www.scienceofintelligence.de/call-for-applications/open-positions/

Consider applying! And do contact me if you have any questions!

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

Hi all, another PhD position is now posted, for the beginning of 2022. Deadline for applications is November 24th!

The position posting is here. But since the posting is in German, in the following the key info:

The position is in a joint research project with search engine specialist Neofonie GmbH and will involve research in the broad area of learning good representations of natural language from text data. This may involve research in neural language modeling and information retrieval. Your tasks will be to pursue such research at the intersection of NLP/ML with the goal of attaining a PhD. And of course help out in the group for instance by helping develop Flair and giving guidance to bachelor/master students.


Consider applying! Application is directly to me via mail. Please include your GitHub ID and the posting number (DR/169/21) in the application.

otahmasebi commented 2 years ago

Hi @alanakbik, Although you said that English is not required! in the link you share, proof of English skills is a must. what does it mean?! Should the TOEFL/IELTS score be included?!

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

Oh oops, I meant to type "German is not required" when I answered @IMTorg 's question whether one needs German. I'll edit my above response (sorry for the confusion!).

English is indeed needed for the two positions in SCIoI. The following links give additional information on how to apply for these positions:

Any other questions regarding the application process should be directed to applications@scioi.de

varma1131987 commented 2 years ago

I am Interested , please help out the process how to move forward

alanakbik commented 2 years ago

Dear all, I want to thank you for the incredible number of applications we received. Due to the large number of applications, we unfortunately could invite only a few even among the very strong candidates.

However, the group will continue to grow and in this year we expect several more PhD positions to be established, the first one will be put online probably around April 2022, with a starting date in summer. I'll post any new job opening here! Thanks again for so much interest in joining our group!

abdullahmuaad9 commented 2 years ago

could you please send a bit more information with apply form or something? I would like to apply and try to enter the community. now we are around April 2022 is there any updation Thank you in advance

alanakbik commented 1 year ago

A new position is available! See #2874!